Mystery Bottle

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Authors Note: Chapter talks about underage drinking. If this makes you uncomfortable please skip it. Sorry for the long pause in between updates. Been busy with school and stuff.


Ouma felt someone lightly shaking him and heard someone whispering his name. He lazily opened his eyes and lifted his head off of the robots shoulder. He suddenly remembered where he was and blushed a little.

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you, but school is over and we need to go." Kiibo said softly. Ouma took a moment to fully wake up. To the boys delight, Ouma could feel that Kiibos hand was still intertwined with his. Kiibo caught the small boy glancing at their hands and blushed.

"Ah sorry!" Kiibo quickly pulled his hand away, which saddened the other. He stood up and started speed walking to the door, clearly embarrassed, when Ouma pounced on him from behind. Ouma wrapped his arms around him and held him in place.

"You're ok...right?" Oumas voice was soft and quiet, Kiibo could tell he was still worried.

"All my systems seem to be working properly, so I should be fine." He spun around and hugged the small boy back. Ouma squeezed tighter.

"...good..." The boy whispered. Neither of them said anything else as they stood there. Kiibo could hear faint sobs coming from the small boy. He lightly kissed his forehead and rubbed his back. They stayed there until Ouma had calmed down and his breathing became even again.

Kiibo pulled away and wiped the remaining tears off his face, then he grabbed the boys hand again. Ouma blushed a bit and rubbed his eyes. Kiibo walked over to the door and pushed it open, still holding the small boys hand.

"Lets go home, ok?" He said softly. Ouma nodded silently and let the robot lead the way. By the time they had exited the school, the sun had already set. Kiibo cursed under his breath, he hadn't realized what time it was. Ouma gripped Kiibos hand tighter and inched towards him. He found it funny how the boy became so fragile and dependent when he got emotional. Kiibo smiled and started towards their apartment.


*Clank* The door to the apartment opened and they both stepped inside. Ouma flopped on the couch and Kiibo started making food. After a while, Ouma crept off the couch and ran to his room. Kiibo thought nothing of it, until the food was finished. He called for Ouma, but what emerged from the depths of his room, was not Ouma. Instead, it was a short wobbling boy, with messy purple hair, wearing sweat pants and a hoodie, who couldn't walk straight, and was holding a bottle of who knows what.

Kiibo was very confused. He observed as the boy stumbled over nothing, slowly but surly, making it to the table. Kiibo cautiously sat the food on the table and sat down. He watched as Ouma stared at the food until eventually slowly started to eat it.

"...Ouma...are you ok?" He asked cautiously. It seemed to take a moment for Ouma to process what he had asked, before finally replying.

"I...feel great!" He shouted, throwing his arms in the air and spilling a bit of the contents of the mystery bottle.

"Neeeeeveerr ben better~" he slurred. Kiibo grabbed the bottle from his hands and read the label. It was vodka...where had he gotten that!?

"Heeeeeeyyyy!~" Ouma waved his hands in the air, trying to get the bottle back. Kiibo walked over to the sink and dumped the remaining liquid down the drain.

"Meanie!~" he pouted and nearly fell off his chair.

"Where did you get this!?" Kiibo shoved the bottle in front of his face as if he didnt already know what it was. Ouma tried to read the label, even though he knew what it was, but gave up halfway through. The small boy laughed.

"Ummmm~...Amamami gaves it too meee~ Said I mighttt needed it at some p-pooint~" he smiled as if he was recalling good memories. Kiibo was angry, why had Amami given it to him? How had he gotten it himself?! It was too late for this kind of thing.

"Thisssss is your fault you know~ Do yooouu know how stresssed you made me!~" Ouma slurred, getting off his chair and walking over to Kiibo. "I thought you dies!" Ouma grabbed the robots shoulders and started shaking him. Kiibo stabilized himself after Ouma calmed down a bit.

"I-I'm sorry...I was being careless, I guess I worried you a lot..." He looked down in shame, he felt really bad. Ouma got closer to him and seemed to study his face, then he smiled.

"Oh I can't sttay madd at y-yooouuu!~," Ouma slurred as he hugged the robot, "I love you waaay too much!"

Kiibo blushed and was about to say something, but Ouma cut him off by leaning up and kissing him.

"Mmf?!" Kiibos face exploded in red, he was shocked. Ouma pushed the robot against the wall, his kiss getting more and more passionate. As much as Kiibo wanted to kiss back and tell the boy he loved him, he knew he was drunk, so instead he painfully pushed him away. Ouma stumbled back, he looked hurt and his eyes started watering.

"F-fine then!" Ouma yelled. He ran to his room and slammed the door shut. Kiibo was hurt, he wanted to go to Ouma and hold him, but he seemed extremely mad at him, plus he wanted some time to sort out his mind. The robot rubbed his eyes and took a shaky breath. He grabbed some blankets and walked to the couch, knowing he'd be charging there that night. He laid down, and plugged himself in, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't sleep.


"Uggghhh!" Ouma woke up on the floor. He rubbed his eyes and realized that his eyes and cheeks were damp. He tried to stand up, but as soon as he did, he flopped down on the bed. His head hurt and he felt sick.

"Ughh! What happened!" He held his head and got off the bed. Ouma thought of the night before, he could remember getting home, flopping on the couch, then heading to his room, which must of been when he fell asleep.

"And where's Kiibo?" Ouma became a little worried and ran to the kitchen, Kiibo was there making breakfast. Ouma let out a sigh of relief and walked up to the robot.

"Good morning Kiibo!" He smiled up at the robot, but he wouldn't make eye contact with him. He noticed that his face was very red.

"Good morning," Kiibo said. Ouma was a little confused, but shook it off.

"Need any help?" Ouma asked, watching the robot. He grabbed for a knife, but Kiibo pulled it away, "N-no, I'm ok, just go sit down."

Ouma sat down at the table, even more confused, Kiibo was acting weird. There was an awkward silence between the two. Kiibo wasn't trying to make things awkward or act different, he was just still embarrassed from the night before. He had stayed up all night thinking about Ouma and his feelings for the other. He loved him, but now he was even more confused as to how Ouma felt about him. Kiibo finished the food and brought it to the table.

"I already called the school to tell them you're sick, so you don't have to worry about it." Kiibo said taking a bite of food, he still wouldn't make eye contact with him. Ouma nodded and started eating as well, then stopped in confusion.

"Wait, how did you know I'm not feeling well?!" Ouma asked confused. Kiibo didn't answer and just focused on finishing his food. He got up and placed his plate in the sink, then walked over to the door and got shoes on.

"W-wait! Where are you going?" Ouma asked stumbling after Kiibo.

"You may be sick, but I'm not, so I still have school." He said grabbing his bag.

"See you later," Kiibo smiled weakly before rushing out the door. Ouma reached out for the robot. Suddenly he got hit with a wave of nausea, and ran to the bathroom.

"...stay here..."

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