Dice In Danger

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Kiibo loved his boyfriend. He really did. He loved his mischievous, yet beautiful eyes. His odd but entertaining humor. The way he's been doing his best to lie less because he knows it bugs the robot when he does so too often. Kokichi was a real sweetheart under all that unwavering confidence, and Kiibo wouldn't have it any other way. So of course he loved him.

That love was what made it ridiculously difficult to turn him down...


Kokichi knew it was gonna be a shit day when he woke up on the floor. He was typically a calm sleeper, and that's why he took it as a bad omen whenever he rolled around so much that he ended up falling off the bed. "Just great..." he mumbled quietly, not wanting to wake the robot still peacefully asleep on the mattress. His back was sore, arm cramped from the awkward position, and hair a whirlwind of tangles. Yep, today was going to be shit.

The small boy stood up, cracking his back like a glow stick once upright. He tried to fight off the urge to stare at the robot while asleep, because that would be a weird thing for roommates to do, right? Only...wait, they were dating, he could do whatever he wanted. If he wanted to admire how gentle the sleeping robot looked then he would. If he wanted to slowly run his hands through the others white hair and admire its softness, then he would. If he wanted to place a small kiss to his cheek, then he damn well would. Still, if you asked Kokichi if he had watched his boyfriend sleep that morning, he would definitely deny it. Looking outside the window, proved that the weather didn't feel like cooperating either. Wind pulling the trees and bushes around, heavy rain trying to revert the ground back to ocean. Just great.

Alas, it was a school day, and as much as Kokichi craved to crawl back to bed and sleep the day away, he couldn't. And, as much as it pained him, he had to wake up his sleepy robot. "Kiibo~" The boy whispered as he shook his boyfriends metal shoulder. All he got in response was a groan that he'd never admit was cute. Kokichi frowned and shook harder, "Kiibo! The house is burning down!". Nothing. He sighed and crossed his arms in thought. Then, an idea popped into his head, as well as a deep blush. He almost threw it away, but then reminded himself once again that this is his boyfriend. After a few seconds of mentally debating back and forth, Kokichi thought fuck it and sat back down beside him. His faced heated as he bent over the other, their faces so close. From this height Kokichi could better examine the other, noticing some details he wouldn't otherwise. How his skin had a barely noticeable blue tint to it, how his eyelashes were long and looked very real. Sometimes it was hard to tell that the other was a robot. Not like it mattered, because to Kokichi, he'd always be human.

With a smile, Kokichi breached the gap and connected their lips. Almost like magic, the robot's eyes fluttered open. As he became more awake, it didn't take long for Kiibos thoughts to morph from, oh it's morning, to, oh I'm being kissed, to, OH...I'm being kissed. His face quickly reddened, but his body relaxed. He wouldn't deny it wasn't a nice feeling. Once Kokichi realized the other was awake, he leaned back, letting their kiss break. They both quickly missed the feeling. "Woah! I didn't think that would work, I guess Kiibaby really is a princess!~", Kiibo's blushed deepened, and while he wouldn't admit it, so did Kokichi's.

"G-good morning Kokichi." Kiibo sat up, finally taking in that it was time to get up.

"Morning sleepy head, now hurry up were gonna be late!" They really weren't, but watching the robot frantically scramble out of bed and check the time was worth it. And okay, maybe the small pout he received at the end was also worth it. From there it was their normal school day routine, minus the constant whining from Kokichi about the terrible weather. Get dressed, eat breakfast together, pull Kokichi off the couch to keep him from falling asleep again. It was a nice little routine they had, and it emphasized the feeling of home they felt while around each other.

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