Operation Avocado: Part 2

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"Kiibo, why were Amami and Kaede standing outside the door?" Ouma asked as he quickly closed the door behind him and set his bag on the floor. Kiibo had already started preparing dinner, after what had just happened, he needed a way to get his mind off of it. The robots face was still a deep scarlet so he ducked down behind the counter, hiding his face from the small boy, and pretended to look for something.

"I don't know, they can be weird sometimes." Kiibo said from behind the counter.

"Yeah, they can!" Ouma giggled as he reached into his pocket to find the spare key. Huh! Ouma thought, I just had it, where did it go! Kiibo popped his head up from behind the counter and saw Oumas distressed face.

"Ouma, what's wrong?" Kiibo asked worryingly.

"N-nothing!" Ouma said as he faked a smile. He didn't want the robot to get mad at him for losing the key and he was sure it would turn up somewhere.

Ouma sat down at the kitchen table and the two of them talked for a while about their day. Ouma loved talking to Kiibo, he loved the way that when Kiibo started talking about something he was really enthusiastic about, his face would light up and he would just keep rambling on and on then get embarrassed that he was talking too much. He also loved how whenever he told a story, it was always interesting in one way or another. And, he especially loved that it felt so natural to just sit and talk with him.

Eventually, Kiibo finished his cooking and he brought two plates over to the table. They continued talking all through their meal, and even after they were finished, they still talked until eventually the sun was starting to set and they both started yawning.

"Um, if you don't mind...do you think I could sleep with you again...W-wait no wait, I-I didn't mean l-like sleep together, I-I just...the bed is much warmer then the couch." Kiibo stuttered as a small blush crept across his face.

"Y-yeah, s-sure!" Ouma stuttered as his face started turning red as well. Ouma got up from the table and went to get changed. After he was done, he let the robot in and they both crawled in bed. They faced back to back again, but Ouma wished the robot would roll over and hold him close, and he secretly prayed that when he woke up, his dream would become real. While Ouma was on one side of the bed wishing he could cuddle next to the robot, Kiibo was on the other side resisting the urge to wrap the small boy in his arms and never let go. Eventually, tiredness captured both of them and they both fell asleep.


"Amami you're nuts!" Kaede cried, "When you said snooping I didn't think you meant breaking and entering!"

"Don't worry about it, we just need to find some clues and then we can leave!" Amami said, trying to calm down the angered girl.

"What do you expect to find anyway, a giant billboard with everything you need written on it." Kaede said sarcastically, "And how are you planning on finding any 'clues' anyway!"

"I don't know, maybe he has a diary or something kept in his room?" Amami shrugged as he pulled the spare key out of his pocket and fiddled around with it in his hands.

After their adventure earlier that day, Kaede had gone home. Not too long after she got home, she received a text from Amami telling her to meet him outside his house at 3AM. She was skeptical at first but figured something interesting would probably happen, so she told her parents she was having a sleepover at Makis and left to meet him there. Of course, Amami had been even more confusing than the first meet up and met up with her, wearing a long black trench coat and carrying the bag he had earlier. He started sneaking around with no explanation and eventually they found themselves back outside Kiibos apartment complex again.

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