Halloween Special

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A/N: Happy Halloween, and happy birthday to Kiibo (few days late, I don't care!)

~8 years ago~

It was Halloween day and Ouma, being the hyper 10 year old he was, could barely sit still. He had invited some people to go trick or treating with him and was waiting impatiently by the door for them to arrive. He wanted to go out so badly, but he knew he had to wait. *Ring~* Ouma ran to the door and opened it. Kaede was first to arrive, then soon after Saihara and Amami arrived at the same time, and then finally Kiibo. Ouma jumped around once everyone had arrived.

"Alright everyone!" Ouma stood on top of the table to assert dominance, though nobody really took him seriously, "We will clear every house on the block! No exceptions!" He jumped off the table and grabbed his pillow case to fill with candy. The rest of the kids followed him, eager for candy.

They arrived at the first house and knocked. "Trick or treat!~" They all yelled in unison. The lady who answered the door smiled, "And what might you be?~" he looked at the bunch. Ouma, who was obviously at the front of the group, answered first.

"I'm a vampire!" He hissed and covered his head, getting into character. The lady laughed and gave him candy, then asked the same question to the next kid. Amami was a Pirate, Kaede was a police officer, Saihara was a detective, and Kiibo was a wolf. They continued down the street, visiting each place along the way.

At one of the houses, Kiibo heard a splashing sound coming from nearby. He was intrigued. The robot trailed off from the group to investigated the sounds he was hearing. He walked for a little bit before coming across and small park with a huge fountain sitting in the centre.

"Wow!~" Kiibo stared at the beautiful fountain with awe. After a minute or two, he turned around to head back to the group, but he soon realized, they were gone. He didn't know how far he had walked, but wherever he was, the group was not. Kiibo was frightened and nervous, and quickly started running around.

"Ouma! Kaede!" He yelled while running through the empty neighbourhood, but no matter how far he ran, he couldn't find them. He felt his confidence drain the longer he ran and eventually stopped. He had made things even worse. He fell to the ground and curled into a ball.

"O-Ouma..."He called out one more time before breaking down in tears. He was lonely and afraid, and as the night grew later, he became colder.


Ouma was having so much fun! He normally went by himself, but found that having other kids around made things way better. They had cleared their block and met their quota, but Ouma wanted more. He ran home with the others and he emptied his loot.

"let's go! There's still so many houses we haven't visited!" He grinned confidently. He heard the others groan a bit.

"Ouma~ We're all so tired though~" Amami complained. Ouma frowned and put his hands on his hips, "Hmf! Fine! I'll go myself then!" He huffed and walked out the door with his empty bag, alone this time.

Ouma ran from house to house, smiling and getting lots of candy. They're missing out! He thought. He managed to clean another block before the night was over and returned home with a gluttonous look in his eyes. He flung the door open and announced how much candy he got, which got a half assed applause from the others. It didn't matter to Ouma though, he was happy. Ouma looked around the room and noticed something.

"Hey, did Kiibo leave already?" He ask confused. The others looked at him just as confused.

"...We thought he was with you..." Ouma stared at them wide eyed for a few seconds, before throwing his shoes back on and running out the door.

"Kiibo! Kiibo where are you!" Ouma yelled and repeated many times. He ran passed streets and houses, but no sign of Kiibo. Ouma grew extremely worried, is he hurt?! Is he scared!? He continued running before catching a glint of metal in the corner of his eye. He turned around to see a long, dark alleyway, and there sitting at the end, was a crying Kiibo. The robot wept quietly and hid his face in his lap. Ouma approached the robot carfully.

"Kiibo, are you ok?" He said calmly. Kiibo jumped and stared at Ouma with fright, then pounced on the boy, hugging the life force out of him. Ouma was surprised at first, then blushed and hugged him back, rubbing the robots head. He was really cold. Kiibos crying eventually calmed down and Ouma let go of him. Quickly, before his brain forced him not to, he leaned forward and kissed Kiibo on the cheek. He was blushing like mad as he leaned back. Kiibo was still clueless about romance and took that as a friendly gesture, and smiled. Ouma smiled back and took his hand.

The two quickly ran back to Oumas house and ran inside. Everyone had left already so it was just them and Oumas giant pile of candy that a few kids had taken some pieces of. Kiibo and Ouma sat down on the ground and sighed. Ouma threw the robot a blanket, which the other immediately wrapped himself in. Kiibo was relieved to be back with Ouma. The robot reached into his bag and frowned, he didn't have much candy compared to the other.

"Well its not like I can taste it anyway..." He mumbled to himself. Ouma looked up and saw his sad face and frowned as he looked at his bags, then at Kiibos. He reached over and passed him his pillow case still full of candy.

"Here, I have enough anyway..." Kiibo took the bag and smiled.

"Thank you Ouma!" He put the bag down and hugged him. Ouma smiled and hugged him back. Kiibo kissed his cheek and Ouma burst into red. Ouma officially loved Halloween.


"Hey hey Kiibo!" Ouma called from the couch. Kiibo was at the table doing homework as he looked over. "What!"

"Remember when you got lost on Halloween and I had to go save you!~" He teased.

"Yeah, how could I forget" Kiibo rolled his eyes and turned back to his homework. The truth was he actually did forget, but now that he was remembering it again, his face grew hot.

"...stupid..." Kiibo blushed and hid his face in his arms. Ouma laughed and grinned. He still loved Halloween.

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