Too Cold!

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It's been a few days since Ouma has come to live with Kiibo. In this time, Kiibo has come to claim the couch as his new bed, thankful that it's pretty comfortable. Ouma gave up on unpacking, he now lives out of the suitcases. He has also managed to break the heater in the span of a few days which scares Kiibo as to what he'll do in the days to come. Unfortunately, because it's mid Autumn, and there's no heating, it is very cold in Kiibos apartment. Even worse is that it's especially cold in the living room/kitchen area, right where the couch is, which makes it very difficult for Kiibo to sleep.

"Kiibo, I'm cold," Ouma whimpered while huddling under a thousand blankets.

It was Sunday and Ouma had spent most of the weekend complaining about the cold temperature and hiding under blankets, leaving the robot to do all the cleaning and cooking. Kiibo was in the kitchen preparing dinner.

"I know Ouma. Just to let you know, dinner is almost done." Kiibo called. Kiibo wasn't really mad at Oumas whining, because he too was very cold, if he could he would've joined Ouma under his bundle of blankets, but he had other things he needed to do. "Someone's coming on Tuesday to fix the heating so we'll have heat soon."

"Ugh! Why can't he come sooner!" Ouma whined as he slowly stood up from his spot on the couch/bed. He slowly stumbled his way to meet Kiibo at the small table in the kitchen, bringing along with him his mound of blankets still wrapped around him. With all the blankets wrapped around him, he kind of looked like a giant marshmallow.

"Ouma, leave the blankets back on the couch, you're getting them dirty by dragging them on the floor," Kiibo scolded as he brought the food to the table.

"Ughhhhh!" Ouma groaned as he slowly returned to the couch and returned the blankets, bringing one back with him.

"Ouma, don't forget this is your fault, you shouldn't have messed with it in the first place." Kiibo said beginning to eat. Ouma plopped back down on his chair and started gobbling up his food.

"Dat doeshn't matter," he spat out with food in his mouth, "Mwore inpwortentwy-"

"Ouma, don't talk with your mouth full." Kiibo interrupted. Ouma chewed and swallowed his food before continuing.

"More importantly, I'm out of Panta! I can't go this long without my precious sugary beverage." Ouma whined. Kiibo sighed, he knew if he told the boy he couldn't have any more, he'd throw a tantrum.

"Fine, we'll go down to the department store after dinner, you can get one can." Kiibo said defeated. The only other reason he agreed was because the department store probably had heating, so at least he could get something out of it too.

"Yay!" Ouma cheered. The boys quickly finished their meals, threw some shoes on, and headed out the door.

All the leaves on the trees had turned into many different shades of red, orange and yellow. Other than the temperature, it was the perfect time for a walk. With all the leaves starting to fall and the sun slowly starting to set, it was beautiful.

Ouma skipped along with a happy smile on his face. Kiibo loved when the boy smiled, it made him happy as well. The robot watched the boy skipping along a few feet in front of him, kicking up leaves that fell in front of him. With all the colourful leaves falling around them, and the happy grin on the others face, Kiibo realized how much he loved the small boy. Kiibos face blew up in a deep shade of red at the thought. He loved the boy? Is this what love felt like? He made a mental note to read up on love more once they got back home.

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