I Will Always Return - Finale Part 2

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"It's only a week."

Kiibo reminded himself, as he lay bored on his bed. Returning to the professor's house, his childhood home, was always a bit strange. Everything was nostalgic and yet unfamiliar at the same time. Objects left untouched for months. A layout that had been ingrained into his brain years ago, only to be replaced. It was his house, but no longer his home.

His old room was barren, he never really had a need for possessions before he moved out. Or really, until he met Kokichi. The two of them worked hard to create a welcoming environment for their apartment. Now that he was gone, the robot missed it and his energetic boyfriend. He didn't realize how fun the other made his life until he wasn't there. But, it was only a week, and these were important updates. He could make it.

Or at least that would be the case if his phone would charge.

Lucky him for forgetting one of the most important items, a phone charger. Not being able to message his boyfriend was killing the robot. He would have borrowed one from the professor, but it was just his luck that they didn't have the same type, which meant different charging ports, which meant Kiibo needed to go out and buy one. Only, the robot hadn't been given time to go shopping once he arrived. As soon as he had entered the door, the professor had dragged him to the lab. Others would see it as the professor caring more about the wires and cables more than Kiibo himself, but the robot was used to it. The professor cared for him a great deal, Kiibo was the closest thing he had to a son, and the other definitely considered him a father figure. The professor was just excited and impulsive.

After hours spent in the lab, even more being monitored for any dangerous signs, and time spent just catching up, the robot had finally been able to go out and buy a charger. Now on day 3 of his adventure, Kiibo lay in anticipation for his phone to come back to life. Every second feeling like an eternity. It was taking too long, was there something else wrong with it? Would it ever turn back on? Would he be stuck for a long week without being able to contact Kokichi-


Kiibo grabbed his phone, letting out a sigh of relief as the company logo flashed on screen before starting up. He knew Kokichi would have killed him if he hadn't talked to him for an entire week, nonetheless 3 days. The robot knew he'd be scolded for not contacting him sooner, but he was just glad he would finally be able to. Lightning fast, Kiibo unlocked his phone, immediately pulling up his boyfriends contact and calling his number.



"Kiibo?!" The excitement in the other's voice brought a smile to the robot's face. It was nice to hear instead of the anger he'd been expecting.

"Hey, I am so sorry I wasn't able to call sooner, I forgot my phone charger and-" Kiibo told the other the story of his search for a charger, and at the end Kokichi let out a laugh. A laugh so beautiful and warm, like bells. It only served to make the robot miss him even more.

"It's karma for leaving me." Kokichi teased, and Kiibo just knew there was a smirk on his boyfriend's face. "The fates don't like us being separated."

That earned a laugh from the robot, who missed the teasing just as much as everything else. "Well I agree with the fates, I miss you." The line went silent for a moment.

"...I miss you too you idiot..." If Kiibo had to guess, the other was probably blushing, although he would be a hypocrite if he said he wasn't as well. He understood how hard it was for Kokichi to honestly express his emotions, so hearing him do just that warmed Kiibo's nonexistent heart. "...So come back soon! Alright?"

The robot laughed, a dopey smile definitely not spread across his face. "Sounds good." Before the robot could continue, the other spoke up first.

"Ah shoot, I gotta go Keebs, love ya! Bye bye!"

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