Operation Avocado: Part 1

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*Bzzzt* "Avocado Man to Music Nerd. Do you copy, I repeat, do you copy. Over." *Bzzzt*

"Amami, this is stupid." Kaede sighed as she walked up beside Amami, who was crouching behind a large bush. He had texted Kaede to meet him at the back gate at school after school was over, but when she arrived there, he had thrusted a walkie talkie into her hands and motioned for her to follow him...then ran off. They ended up running to his house, and he quickly ran inside. He had dropped off his school bag and emerged with a different bag on his shoulder. Without saying anything, he ran off again and she followed. Once he stopped again, she realized that they were standing right in front of an apartment complex. The apartment complex where Kiibo lived.

"It's all part of my plan." Amami whispered. He had pulled her behind this bush once he had spotted Kiibo walking down the side walk.

"Can you at least explain what we're doing." Kaede whispered, ducking down beside the tall boy. Amami sighed and turned around to face her.

"After we parted ways at the beginning of the day, I told Ouma that he could come to me if he ever needed help. He asked if I could find out who Kiibo likes, which I was planning on doing in the first place, so that's what we're gonna do." Amami said as he stuck his hand in his bag. He shuffled through it for a little before pulling out two 3D glasses.

"What are those for," Kaede asked, pointing at the glasses. Amami let out a small chuckle at the question as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

"These are our amazing disguises!" Amami said proudly as he put on one of the glasses and threw the other to Kaede.

"I am not putting those on." Kaede said as she threw them back at Amami. He wasn't going to give up though, and a few minutes later, he had managed to get them on Kaede who at that point, had given up.

"Amami, these aren't going to wor-"

"Shhhhh...he's coming back out!" Amami interrupted. During the time that they had been bickering, Kiibo had gone into the building and was now back.

"I wonder wear he's going?"Amami said to himself. Unfortunately, he said it a little too loud which caused Kiibo to turn around and look directly at them.

"Shit!" Amami said ducking down even more. Kaede was lucky because she was short enough to hide behind the bush just by sitting down, but as she turned to Amami, she realized that his ahoges were poking out over top of the bush. Kiibo stared at the two behind the bush for a few seconds, then shrugged his shoulders and let out a small 'Hmf' as he walked away. The two sighed in relief.

"We're safe all thanks to my amazing disguises!" Amami said as he smiled and gave Kaede a thumbs up, "See, they work perfectly fine!"

Actually, it's because I'm short and your hair is green, Kaede thought. She didn't say that out loud though because he seemed to be pretty happy and she didn't want to ruin that. They secretly followed the robot for a while and were led to a department store.

"Amami, I don't see how this is going to find out who he likes, he's just getting food!" Kaede said starting to get fed up with this, "It's getting late and nothing's happened!"

"Something will happen, I'm sure of it!" Amami declared, confident that this wasn't all a waste of time. A few minutes later, Kiibo exited the store with a small bag. Amami started shuffling around through his bag again, and a few seconds later, pulled out binoculars. He put them up to his eyes and looked at the robot.

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