It Wasn't a Dream!

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Kiibos eyes burst open. IT WASN'T A DREAM RIGHT?! He thought to himself. Then he remembered he was a robot, and couldn't have dreams. Kiibo looked down and sure enough there he was. The beautiful boy with purple hair, who he's loved for so long. His face turned a light shade of red. This boy loves him too.

"Mmmm...Kiibo?" Ouma mumbled and looked up at Kiibo with a sleepy expression. Oh my god he's so cute. Ouma smiled at the robot, then leaned forward and kissed his lips. Kiibo blushed like mad, though it only took a few seconds before he started kissing back. Oumas lips felt so soft against his, so right. He couldn't get enough of them. They both wanted the kiss to go on forever, but you see humans have this annoying function of having to breathe.

They eventually broke apart, both immediately wanting the feeling of being together again. Ouma wrapped his arms around Kiibos neck and kissed his nose, before blushing like mad and covering his face. Kiibos face heated up a bit.

"So...a-are we a thing now?" Ouma mumbled and peaked up a bit at Kiibo.

"A thing?"

"B-b-boyfriends you dummy!" He hid his face once again. Kiibo ran his fingers through the small boy's silky purple hair, causing him to shiver a bit as the robots metallic fingers massaged his scalp. Ouma lifted his head slightly to stare into the robots warm eyes, his face turning into one of pleading. "Y-you want that too?...right?" He almost begged.

Kiibo smiled warmly "of course!" He laughed and kissed his head. Ouma couldn't stop the giant smile that immediately formed on his face, nor the slight blush from the kiss.

Ouma leaned in closer for another kiss when his stomach accidentally ruined the moment, rumbling for food. They stopped and looked at each other, before laughing. "Common, let's go get food" Kiibo smiled and kissed his lips one more time, before getting up. Ouma stood up and picked up his phone, then walked to the kitchen with Kiibo.

As the robot started preparing food, Ouma started playing his phone. He turned it on and realized he had a few messages. "Hmmm" he hummed and opened his messenger.

🏳️‍🌈Avocado Daddy~🏳️‍🌈: "I NEED HELP!"
🏳️‍🌈Avocado Daddy~🏳️‍🌈: "I've Mcfallen...for Saihara!"
🏳️‍🌈Avocado Daddy~🏳️‍🌈: *Attached Image*

(Credit to whoever created this, it is beautiful and just too perfect not to use for this scene)

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(Credit to whoever created this, it is beautiful and just too perfect not to use for this scene)

🍇The Sexiest Grape🍇: "Are you at his house?"
🏳️‍🌈Avocado Daddy~🏳️‍🌈: "Yeah, after I helped him get those clothes and makeup off that Kaede put on him the other day (and goddamn does he have a nice bod), we ended up hanging out and I stayed at his place :p"
🏳️‍🌈Avocado Daddy~🏳️‍🌈: "I was so close to making a move, but alas...I am a wimp ;-;"
🍇The Sexiest Grape🍇: "Seems like you need some guidance from Mama Grape ;)"
🍇The Sexiest Grape🍇: "Mama Grape will show you the way my gay child"
🏳️‍🌈Avocado Daddy~🏳️‍🌈: "Thank you Mama Grape, Daddy Avocado needs your help, desperately"

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