Hallway Disaster!

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"What was up with you two last night?" Ouma whispered as he narrowed his eyes and poked Amami with a ruler. After the night before, he was determined to find out why Amami and Kaede were acting so suspicious.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Amami whispered, acting clueless. Ouma poked him even harder.

"You know what I'm talking about, you couldn't be more suspicious! Also, what was with that weird speech you gave m-"

"SHHHHH!" The teachers shushed, interrupting Ouma and turning back to her lesson. Ouma silently stuck out his tongue at the teacher and pulled out a piece of paper and pencil.

'Tell me! What's going on?" He wrote, handing the paper to Amami. Amami pulled out a pencil as well and grabbed the page.

'Not important."

'Yes it is! Tell me!' Ouma scribbled down. Amami sighed.

'Ugh! Fine, I'll tell you after class.'

'No! I wanna know now!' Amami grabbed the page and crumpled it into a ball, throwing it on the ground. His hand bolted up and he waved it in the air.

"Don't you dare!" Ouma whispered. Amami ignored the smaller boy as he continued waving his hand.

"...Yes Rantaro?" The teacher sighed lazily.

"Ouma keeps distracting me from learning!~" Amami whined, over exaggerating his tone. Ouma glared daggers at the green haired boy, he was going to punch him. You little shit!

"Kokichi! Hall. Now." The teacher yelled pointing towards the door. Ouma kicked Amami in the leg before standing up and slowly making his way to the door. The whole class started laughing at the defeated boy. Amami flashed him an evil smirk as he exited the classroom, which Ouma replied by glaring at him and angrily mouthing the words "You're an ass!", as he slammed the door closed. Amami giggled and turned back towards the front.

"What are friends for." He giggled to himself.


Kiibo excused himself from class when he realized he had forgotten his notebook. Normally the teacher would get mad at anyone for forgetting their stuff, but Kiibo was a good student who didn't really cause much trouble and normally didn't forget his stuff, so he was let off the hook. The robot hurried down the hall, embarrassed that he had been so careless. There was a corner coming up when all of a sudden he heard someone.

"Oh! Hey Kiibo!"

"Huh?-" Kiibo turned his head around to see Ouma leaning against the wall. *Bam!* The robot smashed into the wall in front of him, and fell to the ground. Ouma, who saw the entire thing, ran over to Kiibo with wide eyes. Kiibo groaned in pain as he rubbed his head where he collided with the wall.

"K-Kiibo! A-are you alright!" Ouma stuttered, still a little shocked by what he saw. He reached his hand out for the robot to grab and pulled him up.

"Y-yeah," Kiibo said still holding his head. He felt a little dizzy and started wobbling around. Ouma helped the robot to the wall so he could lean against it, "Ughh!"

"Jeez Kiibo, you scared me!" Ouma said leaning beside him.

"Heh, sorry about that," Kiibo said, feeling a little guilty. Ouma sighed.

"Don't worry about it." The small boy said getting off the wall. A few seconds passed with neither boy saying anything until eventually Ouma broke the silence by letting out a muffled laugh. He let out small giggles, trying his best to cover his mouth to muffle the sound, but failing. Eventually he gave up and burst out laughing.

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