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Taehyung's pov

Today is my first day at my new school and I am literally freaking out! I am terrified of all the new people that most likely will not like me. Also I am scared of the alphas I will encounter:(

Don't get me wrong I don't hate hate alphas it's just that they are scary with all their dumb dominance😤

Oh no!! I've been talking to myself for too long it's already 7:14. Great it always looks good to show up to school late on your first day😒

I quickly throw on random clothes not caring how I looked and grabbed my phone and book bag and ran to school.

As soon as I got to the school the halls were mostly empty considering class had already started. So I went straight to the office to get my schedule and other stuff.

When I got into the office I saw a lady behind the counter with long black hair.

"Hi, my name is Kim Taehyung. I was supposed to start school here today."

"Ah, yes you are late any reason to being late on your first day?"

" I know this might sound stupid but I was kinda freaking out about starting at a new school that I forgot to keep track of time"

"Oh well alright than I'll let it slide since it is your first day here well here is your schedule and I shall show you to your first class than your teacher will assign someone to show you around the school"

She handed me my schedule and got out of her seat and started walking down the hall. While I was following her to my class she suddenly stopped and showed me my locker and gave me my combination.

When we finally got to the class and walked in everyone became silent and stared. I was so embarrassed so I stared at the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Hello Mr. Smith this is your new student. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be taking my leave now"

The secretary lady bowed than walked out of the room. The guy in front who I am guessing is my teacher Mr. Smith turned to me and asked me to introduce myself. I walked up to the front, but kept my head down and started to introduce myself.

"H-hello my name is K-Kim Taehyung, please take care of me"

After I cursed myself in the head for stuttering I bowed. There was an awkward silence before the teacher finally said something.

" Jimin please raise your hand so Taehyung will know where to sit next to you"

I looked up and saw a really cute boy with black hair and chubby cheeks raise his hand. When I got close to him I was surprised, because even though he looks as though he is an omega he has the smell of an alpha. Which made me kinda scared of him.

As I sat down Jimin turned in his seat to look at me and gave me a really cute eye smile that was effective cause I also smiled my famous box smile.

"Hihi, my name is Jimin I'm alpha but you don't have to worry I already have a mate but you are sooo cute so u are forced to be my friend"

I was shocked but his smile and warm eyes made me feel comfortable.

"My name is Taehyung but you can call me Tae also as you already guessed I'm omega. I would love to be your friend!!"

"Great now because your my friend I shall show you around school and you will sit with me at lunch to meet my group of friends and my mate!!"

I was so excited that I actually made a friend on my first day! Also that I didn't have to look like a weirdo trying to search for a table at lunch like I had to at my old school.

I was looking forward to lunch and so excited to meet Minnie's friends and his mate that is until it actually happened.

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