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The bell finally rang signaling that it was the end of school. I got out of my seat and started heading towards my locker only to see no other than Jungkook leaning on it while talking to Namjoon and another dude I have not met yet. As I got closer I put my head down too nervous that I might make eye contact with one of them( mostly Jungkook ).

"Ex-xcuse me" they all looked at me not getting that a certain person was on my locker.

"I need to get to my locker" I pointed at it still not looking up.

"And what do I get if I decide to move" Jungkook said with a cocky smirk.

"What do you mean why would I have to give you anything" yay!! I actually had the confidence to kinda stick up to him little Taetae is growing!!!! I accidentally giggled from my thoughts which caused Jungkook and the other two to give me a questioning look. Jungkook's didn't last long as he started to look angry.

" Are you laughing at me or something and of course I should get something if I choose to be kind enough to move so you can get your stuff. I'm pretty comfy leaning on this locker so for making me move from my comfy spot you should repay me" Jungkook said with a cold voice causing me to tremble from fear where I was standing.

After seeing the effect he had on me Jungkook smirked.

"Come on Jungkook go easy on the new kid" the guy I didn't know said.

"Who said I have to take orders from you last time I checked you obey me not the other way around" Jungkook said using his scary alpha voice causing the stranger to put his head down in submission.

"I-I'll give you cookies or any sweet you like tomorrow if you let me get to my locker" I said trying to release the tension that had started between the two.

"And what makes you think I want sweets"

"Cause sweets are amazing everyone loves some type of sweet" I said giving my big boxy smile cause I couldn't contain my excitement when I started to think of yummy sweets.

Jungkook only stared at me for awhile at first with an unreadable expression than clicked his tongue and and pushed him self off my locker and started turning to leave. But before he left he mumbled something that made me smile a little.

"I like chocolate cookies with chocolate chips"

And than he was gone. I finally opened my locker and put my stuff I didn't need in it. Then graved the stuff I did need and threw them in my bag.

When I got home it was silent considering my mom is a lawyer and my dad is a doctor they are hardly ever home. I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge.

"Dinner is in the fridge hopped you had a good day at school your father and I won't be coming home till late tonight so don't wait up. Love you!!
                    Love mom and dad."

It read. I looked in the fridge and saw a pizza box that had my name on it but I just closed the fridge deciding that I wasn't all that hungry. So I just started working on kookie's cookies lol!! I started giggling which btw now that I think about it I need to stop giggling all the time it's not manly.

I finished baking at 7 so I did my homework and decided to go to bed after. As my eyes started to slowly close the only and last thing I was thinking about was Jungkook and how even though he's a meany head sometimes I can't help but feel some unknown attraction towards him.

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