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"Tae, Jungkook dinner is ready" baekhyun screamed for the boys while finishing the last details at the counter

The feet of two people could be heard coming down the stares

"Yay I was about to die of starvation " as tae was saying this he was dragging Jungkook by the hand and chanyeol didn't miss the look of admiration on Jungkook's face as he was looking at tae

As they all got seated and started eating chanyeol looked over at baek signaling him that it was time to spill the beans

" tae sweetheart me and your father have something important to tell you" baek said in a serious tone

Jungkook could see how tae tensed up worrying about what they would tell him so to try and calm tae down Jungkook put his hand on tae's thigh and gave a reassuring squeeze while smiling at him as tae looked at him than looked back at his parents more relaxed thanks to kookie

"Well me and your father love you very much so but we both want to start our retirement and move to America and now that you found your mate and we met him we feel comfortable leaving you in his hands" baek said looking down almost in tears

"Y-your leaving me" tae sobbed looking devastated sure his parents are gone a lot but they were always there at home when he went to bed and when he woke up there was always dinner waiting for him in the fridge so hearing this scared him cause his parents were his only family and not seeing them or reading notes they made for him every day crushed his little vulnerable heart

"Baby you'll still have Jungkook you have to know how hard it is for us to leave you here but me and your mom have always wanted to go and live in America and now we have the money" chanyeol said this while hugging baek trying to calm his beautiful husband

"W-when are you leaving" tae started to cry harder as he said this

Looking for a way to calm his mate Jungkook grabbed tae by his tiny curvy waist and put him on his lap facing him

Tae immediately balled Jungkook's shirt in his hands and berried his face into Jungkook's toned chest as Jungkook started to rub soothing circles on his lower back

"We'll be leaving tomorrow we already have everything packed and ready but we don't leave till eleven at night" hearing this come from his fathers mouth made tae cry harder feeling like he wasn't worth them staying in Korea for

"T-tae me and your father love u so much p-please don't hate us we will come back every 2 months and on holidays to see you we will also talk all the time and video chat we aren't dieing baby and you'll have Jungkook by your side" baek was heart broken seeing his beloved little bundle of joy now in tear right before his eyes

Tae wiped his tears choosing to stop being a baby and make his parents happy cause they already sacrificed so much for him

"I-I don't hate you I just wish you would've told me sooner so we could've spent more time together" tae put on a fake smile that Jungkook saw straight through

"Hey I think tae should get some sleep so I'm going to put him to bed goodnight Mr and Mr
park" Jungkook quickly swept tae up and carried him to taes room not waiting for baek and chan to respond

"K-kookie never leave me even if I say I hate u one day or try to leave you lock me up so I can't escape I know I sound selfish but please don't leave me" tae brokenly sobbed barring his face into Jungkook's neck, while clenching his fists tighter around his shirt as if he let go Jungkook would disappear

"Don't worry baby I already planned on making sure you would never escape from my grasp and your not selfish baby your human" Jungkook kissed tae on his head laying them down on his bed

After getting situated under the covers and all snuggled up to each other they say their final words to each other for that day as sleep over takes their bodies

"I love u kookie"

"I luv u 2 baby boy"

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