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(There is more chanbaek than taekook in this chapter)

(Also my new schedule for updating this book will be every Sunday now)

"hi Jungkook tae has told us so much about u" baekhyun said as he went up and hugged Jungkook which caused chanyeol to glare at Jungkook viscously

Jungkook just awkwardly hugged baek back

"N-nice to meet u" Jungkook said as he looked away from chanyeols burning gaze

Baek pulled away and his waist was immediately grabbed harshly and roughly by chanyeols big hands

Taehyung being oblivious looked up at Jungkook and did his oh so famous box smile

"Mommy can kookie stay for diner today instead of tomorrow please" taehyung said as he gave baekhyun puppy eyes that made Jungkook go insane inside from the cuteness overload

" sure sweetheart why don't you guys go to your room while me and ur dad finish making dinner"

As baek was saying this he was wincing a little from chanyeols tight grip he had on his waist while he was still glaring at Jungkook

"Okay come on kookie" tae dragged Jungkook to his room happily

"Channie our baby is growing up" as baek was saying this his eyes started to tear up

"U knew he wouldn't stay a baby for ever you know" chanyeol picked baek up and sat him on the table cupping is beautiful husbands face with his rough big hands and gently wiping his tears

"You won't leave me like tae will you I can't be all alone what will I do with just myself in the house" chanyeol chuckled at how dramatic his husband was being

"Don't worry baby ill never leave your side I luv u too much" as chanyeol finished his sentence he pecked baek on the lips quickly before hugging him tightly

"Should we tell tae tonight" baek asked looking up at his giant

"Ya we should tell him today so Jungkook will be there to comfort him if he gets too upset" as chanyeol finished his sentence he picked baek up and put him back on the ground before they went back to fixing their diner

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