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I'm kinda nervous today cause my parents are coming home and they found out about kookie and want to meet him

I have to ask kookie now if he can come for dinner but I'm too nervous so I've been avoiding him all day cause I don't want to know his answer

What if he says no than what do I tell my parents when they come home

I was walking to my locker cause school just ended when I was suddenly pulled into an empty classroom

I turned around to look at the person who pulled me in only to find a fuming Jungkook

"What the heck Kim taehyung you tell me you love me than ignore me a week after what is wrong with you" Jungkook yelled harshly causing me to flinch

"T-there's nothing wrong with me kookie I'm sorry" I hiccup trying to hold back tears

As Jungkook sees this his eyes soften and he walks towards me caressing my cheek softly when he is close

"Than please tell me the reason behind you ignoring my existence" he whispered looking into my eyes

" I was and still am scared that you will reject my parents offer to eat dinner with them and me cause they found out about us" I lowered my head embarrassed

"Tae baby look at me I would never reject an offer so kind from my future parent in laws" Jungkook said gently grabbing my chin so that I'll look up at him

"Ya! Who said we were ever getting married" my cheeks flared up when he said in laws so I yelled at him to try and hide the embarrassing red cheeks

"I did now come on tell me some things about your parents so I'll be prepared when I meet them" as he says that he opens the door to the class room while holding my hand and we head to my locker to get my stuff

"Ok well they are both boys um my mama is shorter than me by a a little or so I'm only taller than him because my dad is like a giant he is really tall" as I got my stuff out of my locker and we get in Jungkook's car I continue

"My moms name is Baekhyun and my dads name is Chanyeol oh my mom looks a lot like me but he's smaller and my dad is very over protective of him so be careful around mom" I look at Jungkook who is just listening quietly while driving

"My mom and dad both enjoy laughs but they are serious when it matters my mom is more protective over me than my dad in terms of dating people they don't really talk about they're jobs so I don't really know what they do but they move around a lot" as I say this I look down missing them a lot

Jungkook grabs my hand and holds it as he drives while smiling

"They sound lovely tae I can't wait to meet them definitely your mom sense you said he looks like you" Jungkook parked into my driveway and we both notice that there is another car in the drive way

"They said they weren't going to be here till tomorrow afternoon" I said cheerfully hopping out of the car and waiting for kookie to come out

Once he is out of the car I grab his hand and drag him to the front door

I open the door and am greeted by the amazing smell of cooking

I run to the kitchen dragging kookie with me so excited

"Mama dad I missed you" I said hugging them tightly

"We missed you too baby" we stop hugging and I look at them smiling they still look the same and happy as ever

My dad was back hugging my mom and with his head on top of his

" well are you going to introduce us to your friend" my mom said as he leaned into my dad with the back of his head resting on dads shoulder

"Mom dad this is my boyfriend Jungkook"

"Mom dad this is my boyfriend Jungkook"

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I love chanbaek just as much as taekook😻😻

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I love chanbaek just as much as taekook😻😻

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