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"So when do we start making an account"

There was a silence in the room for a minute before Tae smiled excitedly

"We can start today of course, but I want ice cream first" Tae said removing his hands from yoongi's face and started to hug him while resting his chin on the shorter's shoulder

"Alright let me go grab my wallet first and start the car" Jungkook than proceeded out of the living room and to where ever he had put his wallet

"Hey Tae thanks for helping us even though you haven't known us that long" Jimin said while looking at Tae with appreciation

"It's okay and besides we're friends now right and friends are supposed to help each other" Tae said this with complete sincerity, now starting to run his fingers through yoongi's hair and occasionally pulling at it slightly causing Yoongi to sigh in content

"You know I find this scene very adorable and kinda a turn on but didn't you want ice cream" Jungkook said as he came back, ready to leave

"Ugh but Yoongi hyung is super adorable and he kinda fell asleep and I don't have the heart to wake him" Tae said now starting to hug Yoongi tighter in his hold

"Hey sorry he fell asleep on you. I can take him off your hands though so you can get up and get your ice cream " Jimin said standing up and walking over to the two cuties and grabbing what belonged to him

As Yoongi was lifted off tae's lap, Tae stood up and started to pout liking the warmth of Yoongi and also he secretly liked the fact that he was at that moment more dominant than someone else for once

"Okay let's go" Jungkook said finding how Tae pouted cute and he was now walking to the front door but not before he had grabbed tae's hand to intertwine their fingers

They all got into Jungkook's car with Tae and Jungkook in the front seats and Jimin and Yoongi in the back

Once at the ice cream shop, Tae jumped out of the car excited to eat something cold and sweet, while Jimin was waking up Yoongi and Jungkook was laughing at the fact that Jimin was having difficulty with the task

"Guys hurry up. Your taking forever" Tae said getting impatient now

"You and Jungkook can go ahead and get a table and order so you don't have to wait for Yoongi" Jimin said feeling guilty for making them wait

Tae only just shook his head and walked to the side of the car that Yoongi was sleeping on and opened the car door

When looking inside the car, Tae saw a tired looking Yoongi that was just barley awake staring at nothing in particular

"Hey Yoongi if you don't get up than I'm going to drag and carry you out of the car and into the ice cream store" Tae said looking serious hoping his tactic would work, while Jimin and jungkook just snickered because they couldn't imagine the skinny Tae being able to carry Yoongi

"Sure Tae whatever have fun with that and by the way I'm too fat for you to carry " Yoongi said tiredly, finally deciding to get out of the car

Tae now aggravated that every one thought he was supper weak decided to aggressively grab Yoongi by the hips and throw him over his shoulder, causing Yoongi to let out a very high pithed Yelp

" ha who's weak now suckers, now let's go get some ice cream" Tae than turned around with a proud smirk walking towards the store's doors with a scared Yoongi still in his embrace

" Tae I swear if you drop me and I die I will haunt you till the day you die" Yoongi said clutching tae's shirt for some reassurance of not being killed

"Stop worrying Yoongi, your actually surprisingly light, how much do you weigh" Tae said telling the truth. He was honestly surprised that Yoongi actually felt very light

" how am I supposed to know my weight. I haven't weighed myself in forever" Yoongi grumbled looking up at the other two males that were just watching the two quietly, while whispering to each other

"You know I think we honestly have the two cutest boys in the world and are very lucky" Jimin said, both males looking at the two omegas bickering between each other, with nothing but affection and love for them

"Ya I can't imagine a life without Tae, just thinking about one makes me want to die" Jungkook answered Jimin back smiling happily at how great and amazing his life seemed to be at the moment

"Hopefully we all stay together for a very long time with only the love towards each other growing stronger" Jimin said now watching as Tae had opened the shop's door and walking into the ice cream place and seeing how when the door closed it almost hit Yoongi in the face

Jungkook also saw this and snickered at the two

"Well I think we should catch up to them so no one tries steeling them away" with that said Jungkook and Jimin started to walk into the shop with loving eyes and affection for the two most beautiful boys in their hearts

Sorry if this chapter sucked and for the last fact that I haven't been really updating😓

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