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After I got the kitten and Jungkook got his dog he insisted that we should hang out so we ended up at my house.

"What are you going to name him" kookie asked as we headed towards the kitchen cause I was hungry and so was he

"Mr. Fluffs and fluffs for a nickname of course he will share my last name though Kim"

"Why not make his last name Jeon" Jungkook said getting a bit too close

"Why would I do that" with a swift movement Jungkook dropped his dogs leash and strode towards me reaching out his hand and caressing my cheek which I won't lie was kinda comforting

"Because that is going to be ur last name soon and you will love it" with a smirk on his face Jungkook dipped his head down and forcefully put his warm lips on mine

I was frozen but woke up from my trance when he licked my bottom lip, so I pushed him away and quickly put my hand to my lips blushing the darkest shade of red you could possibly think of

"T-t-that was my first kiss u meany head!!" I said growing a darker shade for kinda acting like a child with the name call also for admitting I never kissed anyone

"Well lucky me I feel special now I'm your first and last person  to kiss you" with a really happy smile Jungkook gave me a big bear hug that was warm

"Who said you would be my last" I mumbled into his shirt as I hid my  face by pushing into his firm and muscular chest

"I'll be ur last just u wait and see Kim Taehyung, you will never be able to escape me" Jungkook said with this creepy dominant tone I've never heard from him before and it sent shivers down my spine

"Well I need to get going beautiful but remember u will never escape me and I will make sure of it, call me whenever you feel lonely and no one else" as he finished his sentence he pecked my neck then my lips before walking to the fridge and putting a paper on it

After the paper was on he left my house with his dogs leash in hand

I turned around to see what the paper had written on it and what it read warmed my heart to the fullest

'Beautiful creatures like you do not deserve to feel the pain that comes with having no one so let me be there for and by your side when you are lonely here is my phone number luv, use it

Oh man I love him even more it keeps growing with every passing minute and sweet thing he does I've never felt this way before


"Hey Mr. Fluffs are you hungry" I picked fluffs up as I went to one of the kitchen cabinets and pulled out some cat food than I put fluffs down and gave him food

After I went and took a shower I went to bed but as I was laying there I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter cause at that moment all I could think about was a handsome kind yet scary man named Jeon Jungkook


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