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I am on my way to school and all I can think about is how I really don't want to and how many much more fun things I could be doing

But I am excited cause today I plan on getting Mr. Fluffs a collar and some toys to play with though I feel really bad for leaving him home alone maybe I should convince my parents to let me get him a friend for when I'm at school

I finally made it on school grounds and started heading towards my locker to which if I haven't told you yet is two away from Yoongi's which is a good and bad thing good cause I know someone close by, bad because of the situation happening right in front of my eyes

Jimin had Yoongi pressed against his locker and they were having a heavy make out session with Yoongi's hands in fists clinging to Jimin's shirt and Jimin's hands gripping Yoongi's hips

I went to my locker trying to ignore the scene but that started to gradually become harder as Yoongi's moans started to reach my ears so when I was done graving my stuff I slammed my locker closed which got their attention

They both looked at me Jimin was smiling like nothing happened while Yoongi was panting and a blushing mess hiding himself from my sight as he pushed Jimin in front of him and hid his face in Jimin's back Jimin only smirked at his mates action

"Sorry to disturb you guys"I said awkwardly but than I saw Jungkook walking somewhere so I used him as an excuse to leave the awkward atmosphere

I jogged to where Jungkook was he didn't notice me until I said something

"Hey kookie" Jungkook looked at me and smiled a warm smile not the usual smirk he always had plastered on his face

"Why were you running over here"

"Cause I saw something cute but awkward than the something noticed me and it was even more awkward" I said not being specific but for some reason Jungkook chuckled

"Let me guess you saw Jimin and Yoongi's little love scene"

"How'd you know" I looked up at him curiously just now realizing the height difference between us my head only made it up to his chin so the difference wasn't that big but still very evident

"They show their affection for each other all the time no matter where well at least Jimin shows it Yoongi on the other hand is quite shy about it but it's sweet" he explained with a smile as we walked to class when we got there Jimin was already in his seat as me and Jungkook separated from each other and sat at our assigned seats

As I sat down I tried not to look at Jimin too afraid that I would end up making things even more awkward

"Hey sorry for what happened in the hallway if you are uncomfortable with seeing that stuff I'll stop doing it in front of you or places you will be at" Jimin said turning around to the side to face me but I didn't want him to stop showing his love for Yoongi because of me it would make me feel awful besides they are really cute together

"It's fine you don't need to stop I was just shocked it was my first time seeing it is all" I said looking at him and giving him my boxy smile

He smiled back and answered back with a simple "cool" before turning back to the front as the teacher walked into the class and started teaching

All I was thinking about during class was what color I wanted Mr. Fluffs collar to be and if maybe I could find a way to see if Jungkook wanted to come with

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