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3rd POV

"Tae baby please don't be mad at me baby but if you don't have an eating disorder c-could you please show me your torso" Jungkook looked absolutely nervous cause what if his assumptions were right and tae had a problem

But what if they were wrong and tae gets mad

"Jungkook if you love me than you should trust me when I say I don't have an eating disorder" Tae looked a little hurt but panicked at the same time which caught Jungkook's attention

"I do love you Tae. That's why I need to know if your healthy"

"Tae please I love you so much it hurts to know that there is a possibility that you are in pain wether it be physically or mentally" Tae had finally looked into Jungkook's eyes and was utterly shocked at what he saw

The alpha that he always saw that was strong and hardly showed facial expressions besides the a casual smirk was now sitting in front of him with tears brimming his eyes

"K-kookie I'm sorry that I'm hurting you but please I feel healthy I'm fine" Tae was about to cry while trying to convince Jungkook that he was okay and happy

"Tae I'm sorry"

Before Tae had any time to react or question why Jungkook was sorry, the hem of his shirt had been grabbed and lifted over his head

Now shirt less and extremely insecure Tae started to cry

Jungkook looked over tae's body not seeing what he hoped to see

He had hoped to see a cute baby tummy with no bones showing

A healthy little lover

But what he actually saw tore his heart to pieces

You could see tae's ribs and count all of them

Jungkook felt useless. How could he have been so blind to have not seen something was wrong with the person he loved. Was he that bad of a boyfriend to not have noticed something was wrong sooner

As Jungkook kept questioning himself Tae was a crying mess hoping that Jungkook didn't stop loving him from seeing how ugly he truly was

Jungkook was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a heart breaking sob come from the only person he had ever loved

Jungkook grabbed Tae gently as if afraid he would break with the slightest touch and sat him down on his lap hugging him and rubbing circles on his back

" k-kookie don't hate me please I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I need you please don't think I'm disgusting too I'm so so sorryyyy" Tae sobbed at the end of his pleads to Jungkook

Jungkook questioned how Tae thought he could possibly hate someone so amazingly beautiful and lovely as Tae

"Ssshhhh baby I could never hate you this just makes me want to protect you and give you more love but we are going to have to fix this step by step together"

Jungkook kisses tae's forehead with the utmost affection

"Y-you don't hate me"  Jungkook looked at his baby that had the cutest rosy cheeks and red nose from crying, though he thought his baby was way more beautiful with that outstandingly cute smile on his face when he's happy

"I could never hate someone so wonderful Tae. You could honestly kill me and I still most likely won't be able to ever feel hate towards you" Jungkook quickly pecked tae's lips before Tae burrowed his head in Jungkook's chest to hide his blushing face

"Kookie I want to get better for you so than you will want to be with me forever and never leave me" Tae said kissing Jungkook's neck than hugging him as tight as possible

"You will never have to worry about being alone Tae , cause there will never be anything more important and more beautiful in my eyes than you even when you have a problem like you do now I will never ever consider even for a second on leaving my beautiful baby boy"

"I love you Jeon Jungkook"

"I love you too Kim Taehyung"

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