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"Tae ......... Tae baby wake up" Jungkook was currently trying to wake his beloved up from an afternoon nap

"Mmmmmmm... ten more minutes kookie" Tae mumbled turning away from Jungkook and cuddling into the blankets trying to go back to sleep

" I did give u ten more minutes the last twenty times you asked and now I'm not going to anymore cause you need to get up" Jungkook said with a very stern voice grabbing all the blankets and flying them off of tae's body

"You know what Jeon I want to break up do u not realize how important my sleep is" Tae got up, standing on the bed glaring at Jungkook with his hands placed on his hips

"Tae we are not breaking up and u have been sleeping for five hours now" Jungkook said with an irritated sigh looking at his watch

"And here I thought you loved me" Tae complained storming out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where his little ball of fur was

Jungkook sighed trying to cool his rising temper to try and calm his angry little human down

Once calmed and collected he went to the kitchen to find Tae in a corner petting Mr. Fluffs and pouting

Jungkook walked over to him and sat down in front of Tae, placing both his hands on tae's knees, rubbing them to try and calm Tae

" hey cutie what's wrong this can't just be about sleep" Tae wouldn't look away from his precious kitten as Jungkook said this

"Well it's not but sleep is still important kookie" Tae mumbled

"Do you want to maybe tell me what is wrong so I can try and help u feel better" Jungkook said while grabbing tae's chin so they would be staring into each others eyes

"Well it's just...... um ..well... I-it's just that kookie I don't think ur dog likes me" Tae said about to burst in tears

Jungkook stayed silent for a minute than shocked Tae when he burst into a loud and happy laughter

"Oh my gosh baby you had me so worried ... ahahahahahaha... and all this time u were having doubts about my dog liking you" Jungkook was laughing so hard now that he was curled into a ball crying and holding his tummy

"I-it's not funny kookie the other day I went to pet him and he walked away from me" Tae pouted getting upset

"Baby boy he does that to even me don't take it too seriously okay pancake" as Jungkook said this he stood up and offered Tae his hand to help him also stand up

"But kookie my baby doesn't do that to me he sits and let's me pet him" Tae said looking at his baby that was in his arms and purring

" Hey don't sweat about it all pets are different just like us so they aren't going to act the same okay" Jungkook said looking Tae in the eyes trying to get his cutie to understand

Tae nodded now embarrassed for worrying about something so stupid

"Hey cutie lets go make some pan-" Jungkook was cut off by the door bell as he was finishing his sentence

Jungkook went to the front door and opened it to see two familiar faces

"Why are you two here"

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