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Ugh!! Finally it was lunch. Jiminnie and I got up from our seats and started walking to the cafeteria.

"Jiminnie I don't think I want to go to lunch what if they all hate me and there will probably be other alphas there"
I said while looking down so I wouldn't see his disappointment in me. But instead I found my self being pulled.

"Too bad you are coming and they won't hate you your too cute for anyone to hate"

I just pouted and let myself be dragged by him.

Once we finally reached the lunch table I saw five people sitting at it. There was one with mint hair that looked like he was about to fall asleep at any moment. Next to him sat a tall guy that had silver hair that was fighting with someone on the other side of him about how silver hair guy didn't mean to break the other guys mom's dishes when he was over. The guy he was fighting with seemed to be smiling the whole time even though he was in the middle of an argument. He had orange hair. Sitting across the guy with orange hair was a guy with brown hair who was trying to stop their fighting. He kinda seemed like a motherly type, I don't know.  He was sitting next to the hottest guy I had ever seen he had black hair and didn't seem too interested in anything that was going on around him. You could really tell he was a strong alpha cause he had this strong scent and scary aura about him.

Jimin jumped into a seat next to the green haired fella and told me to sit down I did but I was terrified cause the only seat left was the one next to the attractive alpha.

"Okay every one this is Taehyung he's omega, now introduce yourselfs"
Jimin said looking really happy when the mint haired boy jumped from being awoken by Jimin's booming voice.

"Hello I'm Jin I'm the one that takes care of everyone so if you ever need to talk come to me. I am also omega like you" he said with a comforting voice.

"I'm J-hope if you ever lose hope than come to me and I'll be yours and I am beta" he said with a big cheesy smile while combing his hand through his orange hair.

"I'm Namjoon, alpha, my mate is Jin, and I have a tendency to accidentally break things"

"Jungkook, alpha" I looked at him and he gave me a cold stare so I quickly looked away and wondered if I did something wrong already for him to not like me.

" I'm Suga I like to sleep and what I am doesn't matter" he said looking down and playing with his fingers.

"Suga doesn't like people knowing that he is an omega he thinks that being an omega isn't swag or cool or what ever" Jin said rolling his eyes.

Jimin quickly looked at me and smiled " but Suga is adorable and all mine, he's my mate" Jimin said really excitingly while looking down at Suga and watching him play with his fingers which caused Suga to blush.

I thought they were a really cute couple. But I didn't really pay much attention to anyone beside the person beside me that is making my heart race like I ran the longest marathon in the world. Though I know I could never like him cause I don't want to be anyone's.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh and could feel my face light up like a Christmas tree. I quickly whipped my head to the side to see no other than Jungkook smirking while texting someone on his phone. I tried my hardest to push his hand off my thigh but nothing was working in fact it was making it worse cause every time I tried to move his hand he would only slide his hand up higher. So I resorted to my last hope. I pinched his hand as hard as I could. He quickly retracted his hand and looked like he was about to punch me so I quickly stood up from my seat.

" Sorry everyone I just remembered I left something in my locker so gotta go see you later nice meeting you all. Bye!!" I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out of the cafeteria and went to the bathroom and locked myself into a cubicle.

Ugh!! That stupid kookie he made me have a problem. I'll have to stay here now till it goes away. "Stupid stupid kookie!!!!!!!!! "

Just as I finished my chanting I heard someone moving in the bathroom and froze hoping they didn't hear me. When I thought the coast was clear I slipped out of the cubicle but was quickly slammed against the wall and saw a furious Jungkook.

"Who were you calling stupid?"

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