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Third person POV

Today was the day that the four friends had planned the "get together" where they would hopefully find Hoseok's mate.

"Tae! Baby are you ready yet? We're supposed to be there at 3."

"Yea just give me a minute Kookie!!"

Five minutes later Tae had finally come down stairs, looking breathtakingly beautiful with just slight eye makeup on and a baggy sweater Jungkook had never seen before, paired with tight white skinny jeans.

"Damn Tae you're honestly taking my breath away. How can one person be so beautiful?"

Tae blushes fiercely at Jungkook's words.

"I-I don't know Kookie, but you're compliments are making us late. Look at the time!!" Tae exclaimed after taking a look at the clock.

"Ugh it was you that made us late Tae. You took so long getting ready." Jungkook walked over to Tae and started kissing up his neck to his jawline enjoying the little sounds he was making.

"J-jungkook please stop we are go-ah-ing to be late!" Tae cried between breathy moans.

"Fine let's go." after making one last mark on his beloved Jungkook grabbed his keys and they headed out the door to the diner they were supposed to meet up at.

When Jungkook and Tae arrived at the diner they realized they weren't the only ones that had ran late.

Yoongi and Jimin were also just now getting out of their car and heading into the diner.

Jungkook and Tae caught up to the other couple. Only then did Jungkook and Jimin stare at their mates suspiciously.

"Did you guys seriously wear matching outfits today and when did you guys plan it?" Jimin questioned after seeing that both omegas had the same exact sweater and jeans.

"Yea! We thought it would be cool to match eachother since we're really close now!!" Tae said happily while linking arms with a shyly smiling Yoongi.

Jimin and Jungkook held no jealousy. They only felt happiness that their mates found a best friend to hang with when they were busy with pack duties.

"Yes yes you two are cute and all but start moving your butts. We're already late." With that they all followed Jungkook into the diner and sat at the table where Hoseok resided. They were sitting in a big booth with hoseok on one end and Jimin next to him. Yoongi sat between Jimin and Tae. Tae sat between Yoongi and Jungkook.

"Hey so why did you guys call me out here?" Hoseok asked.

"Can't we just want to hang with you?" Jimin retorted.

"Not really,no"

"Ugh whatever" Jimin stuck out his tongue playfully at Hoseok.

All five of them were chatting amongst themselves for awhile until they were suddenly interrupted by the waiter who for some reason stopped asking what they wanted mid-sentence and froze. He was quite tall and had black hair that parted to the side.

Hoseok also seemed to freeze up.

After a few awkward minutes of them staring at eachother Hoseok finally broke the silence.

"Hi my name is Jung Hoseok and I'm your mate as you already know!!" Hoseok said smiling brighter than ever.

"Hello my name is.........."

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