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3rd pov

Tae and Jungkook were currently laying on the couch cuddling cause Tae was tired after all the crying he had done

While Jungkook was in the middle of playing with Tae's hair as he slept peacefully, the door bell started to go off

Jungkook cursed at who ever was at the door while getting up from his comfy spot, trying not to wake his beloved

Jungkook was starting to get annoyed with the person behind the door, cause they wouldn't stop pressing and pressing and pressing the dang annoying door bell

As Jungkook opened the door a little surprised that he saw more than to people sanding in front of him

Jungkook is now looking five giddy looking boys

"Why are you guys all here" Jungkook opened the door wider while saying this and started walking into the kitchen, a sign the boys took as to just come in, so they did, taking their shoes off and following Jungkook

"We came because we hardly ever hang out anymore and we missed you and baby Tae" Jin said looking at Jungkook like he asked a dumb question that had a very obvious answer to it

"You just saw us at school the other day" Jungkook sighed looking up at the ceiling wondering why they couldn't have come yesterday when he actually didn't mind having company

"Who cares what the reason is. The point is that we are here to see you and Tae and if you got a problem with that then I have no problem leaving" yoongi said getting tired of their talking

"Whatever Tae is sleeping so if anyone tries waking him up, I will slap you" Jungkook started to walk around the kitchen getting ready to cook

"You don't have to worry about yoongi and me.You might have to worry about the rest though." Jimin said while looking at the other three boys in the room that acquire fake offended looks on their faces while holding their hearts as if they where hurt by his statement

"Ugh just keep your volume down and stay away from the living room" as Jungkook said this he had finally pulled out the proper cooking supplies to Mac n cheese, cause he was too lazy at the moment to make something that would be more complicated and would take longer to cook

"So how is your guys relationship going"Namjoon asked as he and Jin went over to the island and sat on the long chairs

"It's fine, nothing bad has happened that could tarnish it" Jungkook smiled just a tiny bit remembering his little bundle of joy that is adorably sleeping on the couch

"That's good, but have you talked to your dad recently he has been asking my dad if I could give him any new information about you" Namjoon was looking at Jungkook with a solemn  look on his face knowing that Jungkook didn't favor hearing or seeing his father all too well

"Have you told him anything " Jungkook said looking tense

"Nope I'm not getting into your guys's little  father and son  feud" Namjoon said looking a little annoyed with how stubborn Jungkook and his father are when it comes to actually making an effort to talk to each other

"Cmon Jungkook you have to talk to him one day. He is the one paying for you to live here you know" Jin said while trying to take over Jungkook's position in front of the stove so he could cook it instead

"You don't understand what he did to me so you have no right to say that" Jungkook said getting a little stirred up with the whole situation

"Your right I don't understand but you never tried helping us understand" Jin said calmly

"Because it's not important for anyone else to understand or know. The only ones who need to understand are my father and me" Jungkook was about to add more to the statement till he heard the sound of cute feet touching the floor and walking out the living room

"K-kookie" Tae whispered so it was hardly hear able

"Hey baby boy did I wake you" Jungkook said walking to the cute Tae who was holding blankets to keep him warm by wrapping them around him

"No you just weren't there so I woke up" Tae said a little said to the fact he didn't wake up to Jungkook by his side

"So love these guys came over so I couldn't just let them go around my house without my supervision" Jungkook had said while inclosing Tae in his arms and resting his head on Tae's soft hair

"Mmmm"Tae hummed enjoying Jungkook's warmth, both of them not realizing  they had a tiny audience until they heard them start to tease the two

"Cmon baby the food should be done soon for you to eat so why" Jungkook said gabbing Tae and putting him on his lap after Jungkook had sat down on a chair, not having to worry about cooking, because Jin seemed pretty content with watching the food

(Hey guys sorry for the really late update I've just been busy. Hopefully it won't happen again🙂)

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