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"Who were you calling stupid??"

Jungkook stared at me and if looks could kill I would surely be dead by now.

"I-i didn't call anyone s-stupid" I said turning my head to the side so I wouldn't have to see the glare he was giving me.

I felt Jungkook leaning in and felt his breath on my neck sending shivers down my body. I could practically feel the smirk forming on his dumb perfect face.

"Oh little Tae you deserve a serious punishment for pinching me than calling me stupid then lying about it" Jungkook said as he lowered his head and bit my color bone till blood started coming out of the wound causing me to let out a not so manly wimper.

Jungkook pulled away and had that dumb smirk on his face. He started to stare at me so I quickly looked down at the floor but he grabbed my chin and harshly pulled it up so I was forced to face him.

"Unfortunately I have business to attend to, so I'll have to finish off your punishment another time" as he said this he let go of my chin and walked away.

Once he was gone I slid down the wall and started to cry. That was absolutely terrifying but I almost didn't want him to leave which is bad cause I'm not supposed to want him anywhere near me since he is alpha.

Once I was finished being a baby I got up and went to class since lunch had already ended. When I got to my seat Jimin turned to me and gave me a confused and concerned look.

"Hey Taetae are you okay you were in the bathroom for awhile" as Jimin finished his sentence his eyes started to widen and a look of worry filled his eyes.

"Omo!! What is that Tae did someone bite you are you okay do u need me to find and kill them are you in danger did they force you??!!"

I face palmed as I remembered the bite mark Jungkook left on my collarbone.

"Uh n-no Jimin it's fine the bite mark is from my dog when I was trying to give her a bath" I lied. I don't even have a dog and I think Jimin could tell I was bluffing too cause he gave me this weird look but he just turned around anyway and started paying attention to the teacher. I couldn't have told Jimin that my wound was caused by one of his best friends. Also I'm scared that Jungkook would do something worse to me if he found out that I made one of his friends mad at him. I just can't wait till school ends and I can go to my nice and peaceful home.

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