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Third person POV

"Hello my name is Youngjae. It's nice to finally meet you!!" The man called Youngjae said excitedly.

"My shift ends in a few minutes if you want to hang and get to know eachother that is I don't want to take you from your friends though"

"None sense Hoseok would be happy to go wait for you. You're more important right now, we see him all the time!!" Jimin exclaimed pushing Hoseok out of the booth and onto the floor.

"Was that really necessary!!" Hoseok exclaimed irritably but cooling down when Youngjae offers him a hand, which he gladly takes.

After getting up they wave goodbye to eachother and the two couples left Hoseok with Youngjae at the diner.

"Well that guy wasn't any of the matches off of the app" Tae said shocked.

"Nope. That means we wasted all our time looking through useless profiles when all we had to do was go to the diner up the street." Yoongi grumbled.

"Oh well. All's well that ends well" Tae said grabbing onto Jungkook's hand and skipping to their car.

"Hey why don't you two come over and hang" Jungkook offered.

"Sure we'll follow you guys to your house"

With that the two couples separated and got in their cars.

The car ride back home was relatively silent until.....

"Hey Tae baby what do you think about having kids?"

"What!!!!!!!" Tae screeched, not expecting Jungkook to ask that question.

"Not rate now baby but it the future."

"Well I do want kids, but I want to get fat and pregnant when Yoongi does so then we can raise our children together!!" Tae exclaimed excitedly.

For the rest of the ride home Jungkook thought of his beautiful future with all his friends and of course his wonderful mate.

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