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       Yoonmin chapter

3rd POV

After leaving Jungkook's house the two went home to cuddle, watching tv together

"Hey are u still upset about the Hoseok fiasco" Yoongi said looking up at his beloved

" ya I mean I've been friends with him for years and then I stopped spending so much time with him because I got a mate no offense I love u but I wish Hoseok would find his" Jimin sighed at the end of his statement feeling guilty for not spending as much time with his best friend

" Hoseok will find someone. I mean who could resist such a good looking ray of sunshine and smiles" Yoongi sat up going to sit in Jimin's lap

"And if u want we can go looking for a good candidate for him. Someone that will love him as much as we do or even more" Yoongi said cupping Jimin's face with his hands and putting their foreheads together, looking into Jimin's beautiful eyes

"God I love u so much" Jimin grabbed the back of Yoongi's neck, pulling him into a soft and passionate kiss

After breaking apart they stared at each other with love and adoration

"I l-love u too"Yoongi said looking away and focusing on the tv so he didn't have to look at Jimin in the eyes

" aaawwweee that's another thing i love about u. No matter how long we've been together you still get nervous and form that cute little blush on your beautiful face" Jimin cued, grabbing Yonngi's chin, to force him to look at Jimin

" and I love ur sugar white skin" Jimin kissed Yoongi's cheek

"I love ur cute button nose" Jimin kissed Yoongi's nose

"And ur voice" Jimin went down to Yoongi's neck and sucked on it, receiving the cute little moans he loved to hear from his beloved

" oh and I really love these lips that release ur pretty voice" Jimin kissed Yoongi passionately, leaving them both breathless when they pulled apart

"Ok baby boy, where should we start looking tomorrow to try and fine someone special enough to be with our hope" Jimin said brushing some of Yoongi's hair out of his gorgeous eyes

"Where ever you want to start" after Yoongi said this he leaned his head on Jimin's shoulder, while Jimin pet his hair and rubbed Yoongi's back with his other hand

"Goodnight baby boy" Jimin was too late in saying this though, cause his little cutie had already fallen asleep in his arms

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