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Sorry I haven't been updating for almost a year........I think I don't remember how long it's been. I just been feeling lazy to be honest but I'll try to keep up on this:(

"Alright the first question on the survey is 'how would u describe your personality'"

They were now all back from getting ice cream and were now sitting in Jungkook's living room filling out the dating website's survey.

"You can write that he has a very bright, positive, and energetic personality and that he is always there to take care of his loved ones"

"Oh yea that's good Tae. Okay next question is 'what are you looking for in a partner'" Jimin said as he was the one I charge of typing up the answers

"Well I'm sure we wants someone who is kind,listens, and likes to hang with friends" Yoongi chipped in

" Mmk"

After a few more questions and such they finally finished the survey and were now debating on some photos to post on his profile.

"Alright to make this fair, I guess we'll all just pick a photo we like of Hoseok and post it. So start searching everyone"

After Jungkook's statement everyone got their phones out and started searching through their photo albums and Hoseok's socail medias

Tae's choice

Jungkook's choice

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Jungkook's choice

Jungkook's choice

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Jimin's choice

Yoongi's choice

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Yoongi's choice

"Alright now we just have to wait and see who takes interest" Jungkook concluded

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"Alright now we just have to wait and see who takes interest" Jungkook concluded

" yea Yoongi and I are gonna head home since it's getting late, but we'll come back tomorrow to help you guys sort through all the people that show interest since we all know people are gonna love him"

Jimin got up off the couch and hugged Tae and Jungkook good bye, before walking over to an already asleep Yoongi

Jimin picked up Yoongi bridle style and said goodbye one last time before leaving

"Alright cutie how about we get ready for bed" Jungkook said after closing the door after Jimin's departure

"Yea that sounds good" Tae had barely got his sentence out as he was way too tired and was starting to fall asleep on the couch

"Cmon I'll carry you"

Jungkook picked Tae up and carried him to bed

Once they reached their bed Jungkook undressed Tae and tucked him into bed before stripping him self down to his boxers and joining him


"Yea cutie"

"Do you really think we'll find Hoseokie's mate through the app"

"I hope so Tae because he deserves it. He is always there for everyone one so I hope we succeed in helping him with something he truly deserves"

Tae nodded in understanding to Jungkook's answer and curled up closer into Jungkook's side

Jungkook immediately wrapped his arms around Tae and started to play with his hair in a soothing way that lulled Tae to sleep

" I love you kookie"

"I love you too Tae"

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