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"Tae baby wake up"

As jungkook was struggling to wake his baby up the door bell rang signaling that Jimin and Yoongi had arrived.

Jungkook took one last glance at taehyung before turning around and walking to the front door.  When he opened the door he saw two of his best friends.

Yoongi was wearing his normal attire of a big baggy sweater with skinny jeans while Jimin was wearing a plain black t-shirt and some ripped black jeans.

"Hey guys Tae is still sleeping like a log. I can't seem to get his cute little bum up today." Jungkook pouted while walking the couple into the living room.

"I GOT IT!!!!!" Yoongi screamed while running to Tae and Jungkook's room.

Jungkook and Jimin quickly followed after him.

"Wake up TaeTae we have to see if anybody showed interest in Hoseokie" Yoongi exclaimed while he pounced on top of Tae like a cat. 

"Ugh...... why do I have to be woken up by an overgrown child" Tae growled as he finally opened his eyes that were now glaring at the slightly smaller omega sitting on him.

"Yah look whose talking. I always hear you whine and cling onto Jungkookie like a big baby"

Tae just glared at Yoongi a little longer before suddenly pouncing on him and tickling him. 

"Tae.....hahahaha......STOP" Yoongi cried between laughs.

"Not until you say sorry for disturbing my beauty sleep"

Tae continued to tickle Yoongi senseless as Yoongi was too stubborn to say sorry.

While the two were at it their mates were stuck watching them with loving smiles on their faces. They were both very happy to see they're loves so happy and joyous.  

After a few more minutes Jungkook and Jimin finally woke up from their trances and decided that it was time to separate the two.

" alright Tae baby come on enough with killing Yoongi" Jungkook chuckled as he picked Tae up and off of the other. 

Jimin moved over quickly to his baby who was gasping for air like no tomorrow with flushed cheeks

" Alright let's eat first then look to see who took interest in the sunshine hyung"

with that said Jungkook moved all of them to the kitchen and started cooking up some pancakes. 

After they all finished their breakfast they moved to the living room to go through Hoseok's profile and matches. 

Tae got to the laptop first and signed in when he opened up Hoseok's account he was so shocked that he gasped

"What Tae did no one find interest or is there a lot" Yoongi asked in anticipation.

Tae looked up from the screen with the biggest box smile he could muster

" There's so many. How are we going to be able to sort through all of them and pick the right ones."

Jungkook leaned over Tae and looked at the screen. Hoseok had gotten 40 matches.

" well baby there's 40 and 4 of us so we'll divide and conquer. We'll each go through ten people on our phones or other device and then together we'll go through our top choices and then shorten it down some."

After Jungkook's suggestion they all nodded in agreement and got to work.

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