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"Why are you two here"

As Jungkook said this Tae walked over to him to see who the two visitors were

"Wow hello to you too" Jimin said annoyed walking into the house, passing Jungkook and Tae with Yoongi following behind him

" Ugh whatever what are you guys doing here" Jungkook said closing the door and following the two couple into his living room

"We are here cause we need your guys help with something" Yoongi grumbled as he sat down on Jimin's lap

"I'd love to help you guys!!" Tae said excited that someone actually came to him and wanted him to help them

"Tae you don't even know what they need help for yet" Jungkook signed but still found it cute how Tae was willing to help others so easily

"Right we need help finding Hoseok a mate" Jimin said while starting to play with Yoongi's hair

"That's easier said than done. How do you expect to find his one mate in a world of millions of people" Jungkook said looking doubtful of the task

" that's why they need our help kookie now stop being such a downer and at least try to help them" Tae pouted cause he really wanted to make Hoseok happy

"Ugh whatever where do you guys want to start than" finally giving up Jungkook stood up waiting for his question to be answered

The room was filled with silence as they were thinking about where they should start searching

"Ok here is a better question how are we supposed to tell if it's Hoseok's mate or not" Jungkook added making everyone think even harder

"Uh well we didn't really think about that we thought that we would just find a nice person and show them to Hoseok and they would just magically be mates" Jimin said in disappointment starting to realize how hard this task was going to be

"Hey kookie can't we just put him on a dating website and everyone that has an interest in him can come to a set meeting day where we will trick Hoseok to be at so if his mate is one of those people they will know" Tae said which made every one stair at him with wide eyes and mouths open in shock making Tae uncomfortable

"Or not you know just ignore what I just said my ideas suck anyway" Tae said nervous that everyone in the room were looking at him because they thought his idea was awful

"Tae.......YOU ARE A GENIUS!!!" Jimin said excited that someone had a good idea or at least a better one than the one he had

"R-really" Tae stuttered starting to feel happy and relieved that his idea was acknowledged

"Ya I mean it's better than the one Jimin and I thought of" Yoongi mumbled standing up and going to where Tae was seated

As Yoongi was walking over to Tae, Jimin and Jungkook's eyes followed him

"Thank you Tae for coming up with something better than our idea and helping us make Hoseok happy" Yoongi said starting to tear up and hugging Tae now who was shocked from what Yoongi was doing

"Hey it's okay Yoongi so stop crying I'll always be here for you when you need me" Tae said rubbing yoongi's lower back in circles to try and calm him down

Jungkook and Jimin watching the whole scene in silence, both starting to get a little jealous of the situation

They didn't want to interrupt the moment though cause they also found the little scenario cute

As Yoongi sat on tae's lap and Tae grabbing Yoongi's face to wipe his tears that were still streaming down his face is when Jimin decided to ask a question

"So when do we start making the account?"

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