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Third POV

Tae is finally fully moved in with Jungkook and they have only been living together for two days now yet conflicts have already started

"TAE!!!!!!" Jungkook screamed while walking into the living room where a preoccupied tae was

"Yes kookie" tae looked up at Jungkook with a curious face as to why his kookie would be yelling

"I am so sick and tired of your constant tv watching"

Tae was even more confused by that statement what was so bad with watching tv, it's not like he was committing a crime or anything


"Ugh why you ask, because all you do is watch tv and take care of the pets and hang and cuddle with me, which don't get me wrong I absolutely love that" Jungkook took a seat next to tae putting his hand up and removing tae's hair from his pretty brown eyes

"If you love that kookie than why are you mad" tae said while making an adorably confused face well it was in Jungkook's opinion

" What makes me mad is the fact that you take care of everybody and everything, besides yourself. I hardly ever see you eat anything ever and that worries me baby cause I want you healthy" Jungkook looks tae in the eyes or at least tries to, cause tae was looking down and avoiding eye contact

" kookie you worry too much I take care of myself and I eat when I'm hungry" tae still didn't look up while saying this which made Jungkook worry

"Tae baby  I love you and you know that you can tell me if you have a problem or something right." Jungkook took a glance at tae, just then realizing he had no clue what tae's figure looks like to tell how skinny he is, because ever sense he met tae, he only ever saw tae wearing oversized baggy clothing

" kookie I love you too so don't worry I'm a perfectly healthy person who eats fattening foods like everyone else" tae finally looked up and smiled at Jungkook but it didn't make Jungkook feel any better at all

"Besides kookie If I had an eating disorder don't you think my parents would have known about it by now"

Jungkook knee the answer to that question

The answer was no

But Jungkook didn't want to upset tae so he didn't answer instead he stared in tae's eyes wondering what he should do cause what if tae was telling the truth and he was just over reacting

But on the other hand what if he is right and tae has a eating disorder but doesn't do anything about it because he was too afraid to upset tae

' what should I do' Jungkook thought as he could feel his heart being torn with fear of making the wrong move

Author here so um what do you guys think kookie should do

Btw history is the absolute worst class I hate it but I'll shut up now cause I doubt any body cares about my history problem😓


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