Chapter 4- Get Packing

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Mitch's POV

The zombie inches it's way towards the counter, ever so slowly, painfully slowly. The keys hang off its belt, glinting under the kitchen lights and taunting me as the thing they're attached to moves.

I readjust my grip on the kitchen knife. Three more feet and I can kill it, and then I can get into the back of the shop.

Two feet.

It continues to moan and limp towards me.

One foot.

It stops right above my heading place and pauses. Time to go.

I throw myself over the counter, and duck under its swinging arm. I bury my knife clumsily in its back, roughly yanking it out and sinking it back in again and again until I am splattered with blood. The mutilated zombie slumps against the counter, putrid blood pouring from the gigantic mess I just made of it's back.

Victory. Hell yeah, baby.

The keys come free with one quick swipe, and I'm in.

"Mother of pizza!" The freezers are lined with uncooked pizza and cold drinks, and several more pizzas lay cold on the counter.

But I am hungry, not choosy. Just this once.

1 pizza and three pops later, I'm feeling better.

"Okay," I mutter to myself, "Now what." I have food and drinks, and a shelter, but that won't last long. Neither will the pizzas. Already a few were splattered with blood and some were just getting stale. Time to move on.

I throw some cokes into my bag, and half-crawl to the door. Two zombies block me from my car, which has a zombie splattered against the front. He probably regrets standing in the middle of the road and scaring good guy Mitch out of his mind.

The door opens silently, and I slide against the side of the building. Damn, the air has gotten so dusty from all the dirty little dead people. I draw my shirt up over my mouth and nose. Spores are a thing, right?

My car is right across from me. The jags are still in position though. Could kill me if I mess up.

Guess I can't mess up.

I hesitantly place my foot down softly in front of me. Nothing. I do it again, and continue creeping forward until I am only a few feet away.

Crunch. I look down. The concrete lot has turned into a gravel lot.

Aw, shit.

Both zombies react quickly, dragging their dead bodies across the lot. I hop up and sprint to the car just to find the handle jiggling in my hand. Locked. Good job Mitch. There might be robbers.

I fumble for the keys, and finally get them out and jam them into the lock.

"Unlock already!" I mutter, frustrated.  They have to be getting close. A grunt behind me. And the click of the door in front of me.

I throw it open and scramble in, slamming it behind me and locking it. I gun the accelerator, and the two zombies join the other on the front of my car. My car hits the road, and I let out my breath.


Ian's POV

Adam makes his way up the stairs, but I don't stop him. No one makes a move to.

"Adam? Where are you goi-" I place my hand over Ty's mouth, and he quiets.

"Let him go." I whisper. "He's in shock about the whole thing or something, and I don't blame him."

We all sit down, accompanied by a few thumps from Adams room before it goes silent.

Quentin turns to me. "So, what do we do? Are we going to stay here?"

I shake my head. "Don't think we can. No power, no contact, limited food. We can't stay here."

I get up and walk across the hall. I am the one with military experience, and I am the most athletic. I'm going to need to take control here, aren't I? I chuckle slightly, in spite of the situation. God, this is horribly ironic.

"We're going to need weapons. Now, we can take all the kitchen knives. We have a few bats laying around here, and I have a gun under my bed."

Jason's mouth drops open. "You have a gun under your bed?! Since when?!" he asked in shock.

A slight smile touches my lips. "Someone had to keep you babies safe if someone ever broke in. Now I suppose I'll need it to protect you babies from a zombie."

I sigh and spin around. "Pack your stuff. We leave in the morning."

Jason voices the question they all must be thinking. "What kind of stuff do we pack?"

I think for a moment. Lets see, we will want to move fast. "Um, pack lightly. Say like, warm clothes on you and an extra pair in your bag. A few bottles of water, medicine, and anything else necessary."

They nod and all head upstairs. I sigh, looking to Adams room. Should probably tell him. I head up the stairs. Halfway up, I stop. Nah, he can get ready in the morning.


A/N(3/21/15): Chapter edited. Probable OOC behavoir, consider revisit.

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