Chapter 29-WHOAH

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Adam's POV

Melanie lay on the couch next to me with her head in my lap, focused on the TV. I messed around with her long hair, curling it around my fingers and bunching it up. She had bet that I couldn't hit a rock from the top of the building. She was right. So she got to lay on me was the deal, but then I had just started playing with her hair. It wasn't unknown that Melanie had something for me. Heck, why not.

Leaning over her head, I press my lips against hers. She doesn't back away, so neither do. We finally break apart and grin each other.

The lobby explodes in screams, and people flood from behind the couches. Ryan leads them, screaming his head off. They dance around us, pointing.

"Adam likes Melanie! Melanie likes Adam!"

I laugh and shove Jesse off of me, who had been pulling on my arm. Melanie glares at everyone for a moment, but then pulls me down again. There's a resounding scream as we kiss. Everyone makes smooching noises and kissy faces. Laughing, I reemerge. Ryan plops down next to me. He holds out a pencil like a microphone, and speaks in a deep voice.

"Tell me, Adam and Melanie, how did this all start?"

I push him off the couch. "Shove off, blondie. Shouldn't you be in the gym or something?"

He pouts. "Aaaaah, I would be if my favorite student still wanted my teachings! I got lonely!"

I sigh. "You did your work too well. I'm attracting the ladies." I pat Melanie's head.

He throws up his hands in mock surprise. "You? How could someone like you get a girlfriend? I'm the good-looking one! Alas, I did my work. You now have an amazing body. I wish you luck, Melanie, in containing all that hotness."

Melanie snorts as the crowd disperses. "Hotness. I am much hotter than you."

I pout. "Meany. I worked hard."

It's true. Over the past year, I had completely abandoned "Sky's" reign. Ryan and I would train everyday in the gym. Any fat that I had before had vanished. I had flawless aim and could outrun almost everyone here. My shoulders were broader, my entire body more muscular. Why I wouldn't want this before blew my mind. Maybe I was just lazy.

"That's true. I guess if we are dating now, I should say I'm proud of you. Now, I hear someone just became next in line?" She questioned, eyes wide.

I shrug. "Jason just put me in that position out of caution. If anything happens to him, I'll be leader of the Cavets. But nothing's going to happen to him." I say hastily to her big adoring eyes. Gaaaah, I can't resist her.

"But you'll be leader of the Cavets when Jason is gone! Just imagine, you! Leading all these people! And me, by your side, as long as I haven't dumped your sorry butt by then."

I roll my eyes. "Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm going to sleep. Jason and I are leading another mission tomorrow."

I push her off me and get up. As I walk towards the elevators, I turn to see her blowing kisses and making all these ridiculous faces at me. I make a weird one back, and head upstairs.

The next morning, I find Jason in the lobby. He's already calling out jobs. He starts to assign missions, but I know I'm with him. I always am. When he's done, he looks up and pats my arm. "How's it going, Adam? Hear you got someone else in your life now."

I laugh. "Not you too. I swear, these people eat gossip up like they've never seen it before."

He grins widely and winks at me. "Well, good luck. Now, move out!"

I sling my gun over my shoulder and take my place at Jason's right side. We jog at a steady pace across the street, through some buildings, and up a road. Slowing down as we approach an intersection, my senses go into high gear. I slide the safety off my gun and advance forward across the street.

Jason stops in the middle of the road, right under the broken stoplight. He points out a few buildings lining the road as he speaks. "Right. Group A, north side of the intersection. Group B, west side, Group C, east side. "Group D, try and find some electricity.

Jason and I go to the buildings on the southern side, not being a part of any group. We secure the first building with no problem. The second contains three zombies, which I take out while Jason loots. The third is also empty, along with the fourth. We continue to go though buildings up until we reach a corner. We step out of the last building and stand on the corner for a moment. Jason sighs and reloads his gun, having used his last clip of ammo to cover me while I picked a desk open. It annoys him to go through bullets, even though we did fairly well. When he is done, we walk back up to the intersection and wait. One by one, the other groups join us.

Group C, which consists of four people, comes back first. Group B joins is next, followed closely by Group A. We all sit in the middle of the road, growing more restless as Group D doesn't show.

Group D consists of Lily and Devin, our two best mechanics. They can both fight fairly well, but they win hands down in the machinery field. Finally, Jason gets up and starts pacing. Gritting his teeth, he fires three shots in the air, all paced with exactly ten seconds in between them. We count 30 seconds when three more shots answer his. Looking satisfied, he sits back down. "Give them a few minutes." He says.

Sure enough, the two appear about ten minutes later looking tired but happy. Lily walks over to a pole with a maintenance box on it for a moment, Devin by her side. They mutter stuff, and flick switches. Then, without warning, the streetlight above us turns on and the buildings around us blaze to life.

I examine it, nodding. "Looks like you did it. What took so long?"

Devin answers. "Took us a little while to find the main power center. After that, it was just the usual matter of getting it running again. But, uh, we think we have bad news." He turns to Jason, who raises an eyebrow.

"When we were under the hospital, because that's where the power source was, we heard clunking around upstairs. It sounded like footsteps. It could've been zombies, but we thought you should know."

Jason nods. "Could be, and most likely is. As far as I know, there are no other groups in this area. Adam?"

I straighten up, trying to recall a memory. "No other groups have been sighted since about January. Last person we saw was that infected kid in downtown LA."

He nods. "Yep. If we ever want to extend our territory over there, we can check it out. For now, we'll just keep a close eye on it. Is everything secured here?"

The groups nod. "Good." He says. "Have some guards move out here tonight, then. From now on, this is Cavet territory."

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