Chapter 2- Power Moves Only

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Jerome's POV

The plane hit the runway with a slight but annoying bump, waking me up from the first few hours of sleep I had gotten in a while. I yawn and glance out the window, taking in the bright sunlight and overheated tar of the roads before the plane finally came to a complete stop. I stiffly get up and stretch, enjoying the sensation of movement as my back cracks. The intercom crackles to life. 

"Thank you for flying with us, and we all hope you have a good day here in the lovely Los Angeles!"

Someone hands me my bag, and I take it with a quick nod of thanks. Digging out my glasses and sliding them on, I prepare to exit the plane.

A few steps into the chilly air conditioned airport has the sleep-induced fog surrounding my head almost gone. Jason should be around here somewhere now, right?

"Hey! Jerome!"

I force a smile and turn to face the small group of fans that was forming behind me, quickly joining the original who had called my name.  

"Hey guys!" I say happily."How's it going?"

They gather around me, chanting my name and other, random things from my channel. They all want me to do something for them. Objects are forced into my hands for me to sign, and bright lights go off as they get pictures.

The crowd seems to be growing, somehow, but a headache grows behind my eyes and my smile becomes more of a grimace. Time to roll out, I think.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Well, I got to go. Lots of secret Team Crafted stuff going on, if you know what I mean!" I announce, wiggling my eyebrows.

The crowd lets out a loud aw, but they all depart and soon I am left alone again. I smirk. Jason's probably hanging out with some fans too.

I wander around, looking for him. "Jason!" I bet he forgot.

My phone buzzes, alerting me to a text.

From: Jason

Running late, too much traffic. 20 mins.

I sigh and slide down against the wall. I should have just taken a shuttle out of here and gotten off a few blocks away from the house. Oh, well. I'll catch up on some more sleep until he gets here.

With that, my head falls forward onto my arms and everything goes silent and dark.

The buzzing works it's way into my dream and rattles me awake. My head shoots up, and I realize it's probably Jason letting me know he was here.

However, I find several messages on my phone.

From: Ian

Where r you?

From: Ian

Dude if this is joke it's not funny.

From: Ty

Dude where are you are you with Jason

From: Quentin

Hey I thought we were gonna record today

From: Jason

Im on the highway and there are these people eating other people are you still at airport? Try and take bus to house if possible bc I need to ditch!

From: Jason


I frown and check for more texts, then check the time.


Crap. I get up from where I was sitting and start making my way towards the exit. Where is everyone? Is the airport closed?

I turn another corner and freeze. Someone is lying in the middle of the terminal. It's a small body. Blood gushes from their neck... and stains a power moves only t-shirt. A fan. Those cannibals Jason warned me about are here. And they ate one of the people I probably met.

I open my mouth in a silent scream and stumble backwards, until I hit something with a thump.

A putrid smell fills my nostrils, and I slowly turn around.

The zombie turns toward me slowly as if enjoying my shock. It grunts, and lunges at my neck.

I scream out loud this time and push it away. I turn and start sprinting across the terminal, now aware of the fact that the zombies are everywhere. How did I miss that?

Zombies. Not cannibals, zombies. 

They limp along behind me. I yell again, and pour on a fresh boost of speed, but it is not going to be enough. It has to be enough. I can't die. A hand closes around my foot, yanking and driving a spike of pain up through my leg and I fall, twisting so that I land on my back. 

Zombies everywhere. It looks like every single person in the airport was infected. Except me. But that record won't last long if I don't move. I cry out and try to crawl away, but I can't.

The one zombie still hangs on to my foot. I plant a hard kick to its nose and wiggle free.

I force myself up but fall back almost immediately because of the pain in my leg. My head cracks painfully against the floor, and a ringing fills my ears as the zombies become a massize, putrid colored blur and swirl in a circle.

I see a zombie stumble toward me, and I see the zombie lunge down toward me. There's an agonizing ripping sensation in my shoulder, and I close my eyes as the world takes a dizzying spin. I am going to die.

I open my eyes expecting for a zombie to be my last sight., but there is only white. All noise has faded to nothing.

There's a dim figure above me.

I stare at them. Watch them move around above me. I squint.


He laughs, and flashes me that crazy grin.

"C'mon biggums! We're gonna lose!"

I look around. That's right. We were playing war with a bunch of other kids in front of my house, and I had slipped.

Mitch reaches out a hand, and I take it, scrambling to my feet. Seeing my struggle, he throws me onto his back and takes off down the street, both of us laughing so hard we can't breath.

Then it all goes away.


A/N(3/21/15): Chapter edited. Also, hurray for now having personal experience with a concussion and being able to describe it better.

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