Chapter 12- Formation!

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Adam's POV

We all sit in a messy group near the wall under where the poster was hanging. The poster now resides in Ryan's hands, who's staring at it as if he didn't understand what it read. I lean back comfortably against the wall, watching Ian pace back and forth I front of us.

He mutters things under his breath, but I'm to far away to make out what he's saying. My eyes shift from Ian to Quentin and Jason, who stand on guard across the courtyard. Finally, I can't take it anymore. He's driving me nuts.

"Ian? Watcha talking about?"

He turns to me very quickly, a bright pink spreading over his cheeks.

"Oh, I mean, um....."

I smirk slightly. Deep thinking going on here."Yes, you were talking out loud."

He flops down onto the grass next to Ryan and leans in.

"If we have three days to get to wherever Jerome is, we're going to need to move fast. We are not even sure where this place is. And also, what if it's a trick? What if we get there and they just put a bullet into us, or Jerome?"

He leans back. "We need a plan, and it needs to be a pretty dang good one."

Ty is the first to speak. "Well, I say we leave tonight. Give us some time to figure out where we're going. And I agree with you Ian, this could be a trap. We might pay them for Jerome, just to get him back and find out he's poisoned or some crap."

I bite my lip, pondering. "You know, these people might not be setting up a trap. They might've just found Jerome, captured him, and had no clue what to do. I say we leave tonight, go negotiate for a FAIR price, and give these people a chance. They might not be all bad."

Ian and Ty both frown at me. I simply shrug and glance at Ryan, who has abandoned his worship of the poster to watch us. He also shrugs back at me.

"Sorry Adam, but they have a point. It might just be a trap. But you also got a point. They might need some more supplies. Let's just go and get Jerome."

Ian and Ty look disgruntled at this, and I feel equally. We should trust these people. Maybe they could help us. We could join groups with them.

I sigh and get up. "We can argue on the way. Let's go and start looking for this place."

Ryan and Ty hop up, but Ian stays down for a moment more, glaring at me. Finally, he picks himself up. We pick up our packs and weapons, and start walking towards Quentin and Jason.

We don't make it.

A gun shot breaks the quiet air, and the moaning of zombies suddenly fills the night. They managed to join together, and now an army of zombies were limping towards us. Jason and Quentin were firing at random at them, picking one off each time. Ian shouts about formation, and we all move apart. He had been drilling us on this stuff since we had left.

We all head to different areas and take our positions. Quentin and Jason remain up front, blocking the alley the zombies are now pouring through. Ian stands slightly to the left of them, and picks off any zombies that get to close. Ryan and Ty stand father back, ready to play defense. I slide my machete from my belt and scan the surrounding areas for zombies. Sure enough, zombies were starting to crawl in from backyards, and a few climbed out windows.

I rushed a group of three that were getting close to Ty and Ryan. I stab the first one in the chest, and whirl around and decapitate the second one. I roll under the thirds swinging arm, and jump up behind it. I cut through his back easily.

Gunshots and the smell of decay and blood surround me. Several zombies are surrounding us from behind, which frustrates me. I'm only one guy.They are getting closer to us, as we have already fallen back. The guys all stand in a circle, firing at random. I sprint around and slice at anything that moves, hoping they don't accidentally hit me.

My foot catches, and I crash to the ground. My sword skitters away from me, and three zombies are on me before I can react. I hear someone call out, and one of the zombies that was inches from my face falls dead. Ian and Jason are there, and they rip the other two from me. Shaking, I grab Ian's hand as he pulls me up.

He hands me my sword, and everything seems to slow down. The one zombie that seems faster than all the others sprints towards us.

And runs straight into Ian. They fall to the pavement in a whirl of flashing knives. I scream and bury my knife in its back, and pull Ian off the ground. I'm screaming at the others to run. Ian's muttering something in my ear, but I don't hear him. The team turns and sees me, sees Ian leaning on me. They turn and sprint towards one of the backyards, which had a broken fence.

I try to move to, but Ian cries out and clutches my shoulder. Without thinking, I hoist him over my back and sprint as fast as I can toward the team.. Ryan's beckoning for me to hurry, and Ty shoots at zombies behind us. I pour on all my speed as we reach them, and they turn and run with me. My arms grow tired and begin to shake, but I don't slow down until we're several blocks away.

Finally, after running at a jog for almost ten minutes, I see Jason run ahead and open a door leading into some hardware shop. We all pile in, and he shuts the door behind us. Ian slides off my back, and I collapse out of sheer exhaustion. I hit the ground, and everything spins for a moment before it goes black.

"Adam? Buddy?"

The voice pulls me out of the void and I groan. I blink and Ty's face comes into view above me. He grins. "Oh, thank God. I was worried you were actually hurt."

I pull myself into a sitting position and rub my head. "How long?"

This time, it's Quentin that speaks. "Twenty minutes. Not that surprising considering what you just did."

I frown for a moment. What I did? I just ran and carried Ian.

Quentin interprets me confusion. "Dude, you just sprinted like, four miles with Ian on your back." Four miles?

I jump up. "Where is Ian? Is he ok?"

Jason winces from his position on the wall. "Not really. Still unconscious. I'm guessing he blacked out while you were running. We think he broke his leg. "

I sigh. "Great. Where is he, and does anyone have any good news?"

Jason grins. "He's in back, and welcome to 43 Gradu road. We ran all the way here."

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