Chapter 38- I'm not Insane

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Adam's POV

The first thing that comes back to me is the agony. It crawls through every part of my body, slowly eating away at my brain.

The second is the memory. The Cavets...... how could they do that? Attacking me and leaving me here.....

Here. I'm a prisoner of Team Crafted.

My eyes shoot open and I look around wildly. I'm laying in a hospital bed, surrounded by blazing lights and the smell of antiseptic. Restraints are placed around my limbs and waist.

I shake my head, trying to clear it. I close my eyes and open them again.

When I do, someone has entered my line of vision. I can just barely make out that he has his arms crossed because of how blurry everything is.


I nod slightly.

"Why'd you do it?"

My hands curl into fists. "Do what?"

The figure snorts. "Let the leader of the Cavets go."

I grin slightly, which hurts. "Because you captured him. I wasn't going to leave him in captivity."

The figure shakes his head. "I just don't get it. You act like these Cavets are your family."

My fists flatten out. "They are."

He doesn't say anything, but I feel his mood shift.

"We're your family. Heck, you have a family. A girlfriend. Two dogs, I think."

I shake my head once more. "No. You tried to kill me."

He lowers his hands as the door opens. Someone else walks in, but stops. "Ian?"

Ian sighs. "Yes, he's awake."

I mimic his sigh. "He can talk for himself."

The stranger stares at me confusedly. "What's up with you?"

My hand twitches. "Nothing. What's up with you?"

Ian leans down and whispers in his ear, but I can still hear it. "Jerome, there's something wrong with him. He thinks we're all his enemies."

I interrupt loudly. "Just pointing out, you are my enemy."

Jerome replies. "No we're not. You're a part of team crafted."

I pitch forward and scream as pain splits my skull. Ian and Jerome are shouting something, but I don't care.


"Team Crafted! Team Crafted! Team Crafted! Team Crafted!"

I laugh as the crowd chants our name. "How's it going, recruits?"

There's a collective roar, and I laugh again. "I'll take that as good. Say, who's pumped to be here at Minecon?"

Another roar. "Yeah!"


My eyes open again. Ian still stands there, staring at me.

"I know I'm attractive, but you don't need to spend all day staring at me."

He ignores my comment. "What was that?"

"What was what."

He rubs his eyes. "You know perfectly well what I meant. What was with all the screaming and thrashing?"

Crap. I shrug. "I don't know."

He rolls his eyes. "You never were a good liar, Adam. Let me rephrase. What just happened to you?"

I bite my lip and look down. "I took a nap."

He sighs. "Adam, I do not want to do this to you."

He reaches down and presses his finger into the bullet wound into my leg. Instinctively, I lurch forward and start screaming bloody murder. When I finally stop, someone else stands between Ian and me.

"Ian! What're you doing?"

"He's being an idiot!"

"So you press his bullet wound? Ian, we haven't even been able to get the bullet out yet! He's still in full force of the pain! We have him on nothing! It's a miracle he didn't go into shock!"

Ian shoves him aside. "Fine. You try and talk to him then. I'm done."

He walks out, slamming the door behind him. I wince slightly at the noise. The other guy now leans against the wall, studying me. I glare at him.

"Do you want us to put you down as a nutcase, Adam? Because that's where your headed."

"I'm not insane."

"You sure are acting like it."

"How else would you expect me to act?"

He throws his hands up. "I don't know! We're your best friends! You get kidnapped for a year, and when you come back you act like you have no clue who we are."

I cock my head. "No crap, Sherlock."

His eyes widen. " don't know who I am?"

I give him my best 'seriously.' look.

"You lost your memory."

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