Chapter 28- The Maze

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Mitch's POV

The house that is 'around' turns out to be a little stone cottage in the middle of a clearing. The dense foliage around it blazes with brilliant colors, and all around the area just looks quite pretty.

"How would you not hear me yelling? This is not very far from the truck."

Olivia purses her lips before answering. "You'll......see. I found something."

I snort and stop as we get to the door. She opens it and the doorway yawns wide. I stumble in, cursing the stupid truck all the way. Olivia follows me and shuts the door behind us. As soon as we are in I round on her again, but she simply waves me off with her hand and heads into the miniature kitchen. Once in there, she opens a door leading to the cellar and climbs down. I stumble down after her to find her bent over a table in the middle of the small cement room.

Her brows are furrowed deep in concentration. I join her and stare at what lays before us. It seems to be some kind of map, but it's by far the strangest map I've ever seen. There's an X where the cottage is, but little paths branch off from it in several directions. More paths branch off from these, and more from these. As far as I know, there were no paths outside. Olivia sighs.

"I just can't figure it out. According to this map, there should be a path here," she points to the wall in front of us, "here," the wall to the right of us, "there," at the stairs, "and there," at the wall on our left. "But there aren't any. Who makes a map that lies?"

Instead of dwelling over the map with her, I move from the table and search the room. Running my hands over the walls, behind the stairs, everywhere. But there is nothing until I step towards the far right corner and my foot sinks. It was only slightly, but I felt it. When my foot moved, something else did to. A small panel had suddenly appeared, perfectly square. I push my foot against it harder and it pops free, revealing a dark tunnel.

"Where were the other tunnels?"

She looks up. "I showed you, and does it really mat- where did that hole come from?" She freezes, mouth wide.

I grin. "I'm special. Now, where are those other tunnels?"

She points out the tunnels on the maps, and sure enough, for every path on the map we found another dark tunnel. I turn to her when we have opened all of them. "Which one do we take?"

She picks up the map and squints at it for a moment. She glances up and down from the paper to the tunnels, finally pointing to the first tunnel I found. "I think that one goes in the direction of Seattle."

A flash of doubt crosses me. "You think?"

She nods. "You want to look? That's the only tunnel that heads the way we were driving, before someone crashed the truck." She shot me a pointed look, all hands on hips complete with eye roll.

I sigh. "Fine. You win. Lead the way, miss map."

Looking mollified, she gathers up the map and slides down into the tunnel with an easy grace that I could not have managed, even if I wasn't injured. . I slip down the hole and hit the floor with a thud. The tunnel is so dark, I can just barely make out her eyes staring at me.

"Lets go." I whisper. She turns and begins to walking I darkness, leaving me with just the sound of her footsteps to guide me. Water drips down onto my shoulder, and my eyes trick me into thinking I see shadows. Subconsciously, I begin to whistle the hunger games song just to take my mind off it. Another whistle joins mine, and we walk down the seemingly endless corridor whistling. My eyes wander, but I can't make out anything. The tunnel had been pitch black for a while now.

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