Chapter 11- Waiting

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Jerome's POV

After they were all done talking, everyone around the table gets up and leaves until it's just Felix and I. We don't talk, surprisingly. We just sit and struggle against our bonds. Finally, feeling my wrists start to bleed, I turn to him.


He looks up, abandoning his escape attempt.

"Yeah. Grew up there, but I don't live in Sweden anymore."

"You live here in LA now?"

He shrugs. "Nah. Over in the UK with my girlfriend. We were here for Vidcon and decided to hang out and do some touring."

I let out a breath of suspense that I had been holding in. He wasn't from here, so he wouldn't have seen my friends.

I turn to him again. "Probably not the greatest choice, huh?"

He lets out a loud laugh. "Yup, probably not the smartest choice."

He seems somehow familiar. Maybe he's a fan.
"Hey, you watch youtube?"

He frowns. "Uh, yeah. Well, uh yeah. I watch YouTube.

Doesn't seem to hot on the subject. Maybe one of his friends was a youtuber, and now they're......ya. Should probably lay off.

So both of us lapse into a thick silence, broken only when our chairs creak as we continue our bid for freedom.

My finger scrabble at the ropes. They brush at them and I twist and pull only to plop back down a moment later, defeated. This process carries on for a long time. Finally, I break the silence with the question that has been haunting my mind.

"Why would they leave us here?"

Felix stops short. He stares down for another moment, thinking.

"Well, I 'spose to put up those posters on you and to contact whoever is gonna buy me."

I feel a deep guilt naw in my gut. Still doesn't explain why they would leave us in here."Maybe my friends can pay for you too. You can come with us until you find your girlfriend."

He looks up, almost hopefully. "You think?"

I shrug and he looks down again.

Neither of us speak after that. After a while though, I'm taken back to the room I was in before. I can hear them lock me in, but for the first time I'm not tied to the couch. I just lay there for a while, thinking.

What if they don't show up?

Am I going to be sold into the army like Felix?

What is going to happen to Felix?

These people scare me. I don't doubt that they would use violence to get what they wanted. What if the team doesn't come? What of the army doesn't want us?


No one comes into my room. Every once and a while, I'm guessing in the morning and sometime in the evening, a tray of food slides in.

On the evening of the second day, I'm laying on the couch when I hear the tray slide in. I roll off of it with a reminder that my shoulder and head still hurt very much. I'm not going to be much help to the guys, even if they come get me. They're going to have to almost drag me everywhere until I heal. Ah well. I'll make Mitch help me.

A smile crosses my face. I'm going to see Mitch again. We haven't seen each other in a long time, considering when I had gotten here on the plane, this was going to be the first time we had seen each other in a good three months.

I get up and stretch as far as my shoulder will let me. No need to keep sitting on the floor. I go and lay on the couch again, waiting for more sleep to come.

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