Chapter 14- Run.

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Jerome's POV

One of the people secures my hands behind me and pushes me out the door. The rest of the group, whom I have deemed the wobbies, walks around me in a tight circle. Not really sure why, I wouldn't be able to get very far even if I wanted to. Already the sun is giving me a pounding headache.

I notice that they've all change into matching outfits. Every member wears a black shirt and black jeans. They all wear what appear to be wrist, elbow, shoulder, and knee guards. Each of them also carries a gun and has two knives on their belts. Not sure why they would need the equipment, unless....


They force me on, walking me through alleyways and empty houses. I'm biting my lip now, and looking for anyway to delay them. I hope they don't show up. I really hope they never saw a poster....

The group comes to a stop and I nearly trip. Shafts of sunlight drift through the curtains if the store we've stopped in. The lead wobbie steps over a few chunks of plaster and opens them slightly. I hold my breath, waiting. He grunts.

"No one there, I think. Let's go wait for them in the lot."

He nods his head at a lot next to a hardware store across the street. They walk me out and across the street, stopping in the shade of the lot. A few lean against the wall, and others sit down. The lead wobbie shoots me a look, and then sits down right next to me. He looks casual, but I notice that his gun is pointed directly at my feet. No point in trying to run.

I find myself biting my lip so hard that the skin breaks and I taste blood. Sweat beads on my forehead, and I shift anxiously. I really hope they don't come. Let them think I'm dead. I can join the army with Felix. Let them think-

The door jingles on the shop next to us. Crap, no! Adam walks out with Ian leaning on him, followed closely by Ty. Jason and Quentin follow, and Ryan comes last, bringing up the rear. They spread out in front of us. The lead wobbie stands, as do the rest of the wobbies. I'm sure they look pretty scary, but the guys don't look half bad themself. I stare at them. Wait, where's Mitch?

Adam speaks first, spitting the words at the wobbies. "I see you found Jerome. Can we have him back now?"

I can hear the smile in the wobbie's voice. "Sure, you can have him. For only a small price."

Adam snorts, and I try to catch his eye. He has to know, has to know what's going to happen. I have to warn him.

"What do you want? Guns, money, big house? Buddy, we've got it."

The lead wobbie steps forward. "You seem like a powerful group. Would we have heard of you?" He says it lightly, casually. Making small talk. Trying to distract them.

But Adam is not to be fooled. He slides out a long sword and examines it, and rubs it with his shirt. "Probably. But, we're known by a few names, so it's hard to tell." He says all this without looking up, still cleaning his blade.

The wobbie frowns. He's not liking how quickly Adam read him, read what he was trying to do. The rest of them team have all hefted their weapons onto their shoulders, gleaming guns and knives, and a few grenades held lightly in hands. "Well, if you're so strong and mighty, why don't we have a little duel here for Jerome? You can pick the weapons. Me, against your leader."

Adam likes it. I can see it. If he wins, he would get me back for free. All he has to do is win. "Alright. I chose swords. What're we fighting' to, death?"

The wobbie doesn't answer, but takes a gleaming sword from another. He steps lightly forward, and Adam does the same. I want to scream at him to stop. Crap, crap, crap. I just need his attention....

They both raise their swords, and I whimper. It's not much, but It's enough. Adams eyes dart to me, and I try to show my panic as quickly as possible. His eyebrows dart up, and shock spreads across his face. He understood.

However, the wobbies saw it. As soon as Adam understands, there's a flash and a bang. Smoke billows everywhere. I stumble forward blindly, until someone rams into me and shoves me forward. I trip, but Ryan appears and grabs me. I hear a few shots being taken from our side. Eventually they fade out, as does the smoke. I hardly notice. I am safe. I'm with the team. Someone severs the ropes binding my wrists.

Then the smoke is gone and we can see the wobbies. They all stand there, looking triumphant. The lead wobbie smiles and salutes us.

"Good doing business with you."

On his knees, with blood dripping and a look of pain on his face, is Adam. Surrounded by the wobbies. A gun is held against his head. His chest heaves, and he is clearly terrified out of his mind.


That one word slides from his mouth, but it is enough. The gun is cracked against the back of his head and we all bolt, the image of Adam laying on the pavement burning its way into my eyes.

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