Chapter 27- City Life

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Adam's POV

I squint up at the ceiling, trying to remember the dreams. There had been a girl......a girlfriend? And there was a square video game....and I was signing a golden sword. The boy I was signing it for, I had called him a reboot? No, a recruit. That's it.

I sigh as the memory slips away, just like everything else. At least I can still remember most of those names of people Jason introduced me to. The thought brightens me, and I roll out of bed. A few minutes later, I find myself down in the lobby with a piece of toast. I chose a couch off into the corner, and try to identify the people milling around. Lets see.....

Percy sleeps on a couch across from me.

Melanie drinks a cup of coffee.

Adrian and Bryan draw a mustache on Percy.

Tyler flirts with a group of girls, and Jesse looks on.

Mason is coming down the stairs.

Feeling relieved that I can identify most of the people, I lean back on the couch. A few moments later, Ryan joins me.

"Hey Adam. Anything new come to light?"

I shake my head. "Nope. I just know all the people Jason introduced me to yesterday. Other than that, no memories."

He sighs. "Shame. We had some good times. I'm guessing this means you don't want to go out on another mission?"

I finish off the rest of my toast and shake my head. "Not for a while. I'm going to try and remember, get back in the swing of things. Maybe guard duty. Was I a guard before?

He laughs. "You? No way. You were crazy about getting out on missions."

I frown. "Really? Wow. So I probably did a lot of that training Jason mentioned."

He shakes his head. "Not really. You just went out and winged it. We tried to get you to work out and train, but you never wanted to, as we can see."

He jabs at my stomach and I slap him away. I'm not that fat. "Fine. New memories, new me. Lets go do some training."

Ryan jumps up, looking eager. He leads me down one of the dark hallways, which turn out to contain different things. The one we go into leads into a large indoor gym. When we get there, I whistle. "Wow, nice place. Don't see why I wouldn't want to go here."

Ryan laughs again. "You'll see. I'm a pretty tough trainer."

As it turns out, he is. All morning he has me work on the machines, and during the afternoon he trains me with different weapons. At the end of the day we are both exhausted but happy. I had cracked dumb jokes all through the entire thing, which I don't really know where it came from, but Ryan found me hilarious. He always seemed to be laughing. As he leaves me in the lobby to go shower, Jason corners me.

"Training all day? Sky never seemed to want to."

Sky......right. That was what I went by. "Hey, why not. I don't really remember 'Sky' so why not let Adam do what he wants? Besides, it was pretty cool."

Jason smiles. "Glad you're finding it easy to come back from this. When you're up to it, we can go on more missions."

I nod. "Sounds good."

Jason leaves, and I head back to my room. When I'm in there I shower, and then fall to my bad. I go over the day in my head. Not to bad.

I guess I had used a sword before, because I had worked particularly well when Ryan trained me with that. Guns and bows, not so much. It took a lot of the afternoon to get me to hit the center of the target. Hey, I can learn.

Life doesn't seem so bad here. It's like a big city in one building. Everyone knows everyone, and you can live out your life, assuming you survive the zombies. I smile to myself and go to sleep. This should all work out fine.


Quick Authors note:


350 reads!

I know this isn't big, but it is to me. It makes me feel really good that you are reading my story and enjoying it to some extent.

And to those who commented, you should know I kinda just curled up and blushed and got really happy when I read your comments. That kind of stuff literally makes my day.

So, thanks. For everything. I know it's not a huge milestone, but still. Thanks.

Happy reading.

Falloutfandoms out.

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