Chapter 10-To Search or to Run?

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The stars twinkle innocently above me, as if everything is just fine. A clear, cloudless night. Beautiful.

I stretch out on the top of my car and put my hands behind my head. No zombies up here, at least. This is better than the other spots I have been picking to sleep at this past week. Far below me, waves crash against the cliffs I am currently parked on. I can hear zombies in the distance, but it doesn't seem close enough to be worrisome.

I sigh. Maybe the team went out looking for me. If they are even still alive. If they are, they probably think I'm dead. They probably saw all the blood at the pizza parlor. The thought makes me sad.

I suddenly sit up as the thought sinks in. The guys might still be alive. Which means....I could find them! I almost laugh out loud. I just have to find them. Still smirking, I slide off the roof and get into the car.

Ok. Now, where would they be? They probably wouldn't stay at the house. It's so big, it would attract tons of unwanted attention. And we don't exactly have weapons at the house. If they were still alive, they would've had to do some serious looting. Which means they're probably somewhere where rich people live. Hmmm. Downtown LA, perhaps?

Smiling to myself, I start my car. However, my smile slides off my face. I'm below half on gas. Groaning inwardly, I start to drive.

Familiar streets begin to pass, just barely recognized because of the mere lighting. I drive up and down them, searching for any life forms. No lights, no movement, almost no sound except for a few zombies in the distance.

As the night crawls on, I can feel anxiousness creeping up on me. I'm almost out of gas, and there's still no sign of them, much less anybody.

Maybe they've moved on, I find myself thinking desperately. Maybe they thought LA was too dangerous and they left. I scan houses, shops, and alleyways.

The sun is just starting to creep up when my car finally putters to a stop. I put my head into my hands. I couldn't find them anywhere. It's time to face the truth. They're all dead, or they've left the city. Tears well up in my eyes. biggums. I'll never see him again.

I allow myself a moment, then force myself out of the car. The zombies will come soon. I shut the door behind me and stare down the road. Finally, unable to find a reason to dawdle anymore, I start walking away.

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