Chapter 21- Sky

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Adams POV

I pace around and around in the dark room they had left me in. Head bowed, hands behind my back, I just plod around and think.

This is insane. Why is there such a dilemma about what to do with me? Everyone seems ok with selling me. Why don't they just sell me? They're meeting again right now. Deciding my fate. Maybe I can just go with Felix into the army.

Sighing, I make my way to the wall and rap on it once. After a few moments, a dull thunk on the wall lets me know that Felix is still in there. I had noticed they had put me in the room next to him, and we had been staying in touch by knocking on the wall.

Three sharp knocks. I was guessing this meant "someone is coming", as I was always removed from my cell shortly after I would hear it. Sure enough, the door opens and a slice of yellow light cuts into the room. A young guard leads me out of it, and walks me to the meeting room. Into the same chair, but my hands are not secured to it for once. They twitch nervously in my lap. All around me, the people stare at me. I wait for a moment, expecting Felix to be brought in. He isn't.

"We've discussed, and we have come to a decision. Instead of selling you as a slave or a soldier, you will be joining is."

The words escape from my mouth before I can stop them. "What? What do you mean, joining you?"

The shock must be apparent on my face, as there are some  quiet snickers.

"I mean, you will become a part of our group, the Cavets. You will join our society. You will cooperate and become one of us.


He smiles as if I'm being funny. "Because you are already strong and athletic. You can train here and become even more so. I get the feeling you're also pretty smart. Oh, and if you don't cooperate and join us, we will kill you and your old group."

My mouth gapes open. They.... they will kill team crafted if I don't join them. My resolve hardens. "Fine. Ill be a part of your little group."

He smiles that annoying smile again. "Very good, .......?"


"Very good, Sky. Very good. You will no longer be identified as a prisoner. You will be moved up to a room on a different level, with the rest of the Cavets. Then, tomorrow, you can train, go on scouting missions, or become a guard."

"Don't hold anything back here, do you?" I say sarcastically. 

"No. Melanie, could you find Adam a room?"

One of the girls gets up and heads towards the door. I get up and follow her as she leads me up a few flights of stairs, finally stopping on what must be about the seventh floor. Wordlessly, she guides me up the hall. It's not as confusing up here. Less maze-like. Finally, she stops at room 721 and leaves me there. I head in to the room and collapse on the bed.

I just joined these people. I joined the Cavets. I'm one of them. No longer Team Crafted. I am now permanently a cavet, whatever that means. With that, I roll over and instantly fall asleep.

I am woken by sunlight seeping through the curtains. I roll out of bed and mindlessly stumble to the dresser before I remember what happened. Surprisingly, the drawers are full of clothes. I pick a shirt and pants that fit me and put them on. I am now dressed like the rest of the Cavets. Now what?

I head out of the door and make my way through the halls and down the stairs. Once in the lobby, I see that everyone else is gathered there. The leader stands in the middle and appears to be assigning jobs. I walk over and stop at the end of the group. He commissions times for guard duty, and quite a few people leave. Then he starts on scouting missions.

"Melanie, Jesse, Bryan, Percy, Marie, me, and someone else. Who else wants to go. Looking up, he spies me. "Sky. You can go. We leave in five minutes!"

Awkwardly, I move over and stand with the rest of the people he called out. One of them looks at me strangely, but then just commences in handing out equipment. Everyone gets a belt with grenades and a throwing knife, some sort of machine gun, and extra clips of ammo. I slide my stuff on uncomfortably, noticing that two of them had their guns pointed at me.

The leader comes and gets his stuff. "We're going to go check out that Walmart we passed through yesterday. Find some loot, and kill any zombies in the area. Understood?"

Everyone nods, and we move out. We make our way to the Walmart, taking out a few zombies on the way. Once in there, they all split off except for the leader, who motions for me to come with him. We prowl up and down the aisles, looking for loot. I could shoot him. His back is to me, and no one is near us. I could shoot him and make a run for it. Could probably make it.

Then a guilty feeling settles over me. He wouldn't have his back to me. You don't trust someone you just met that much. As he crouches down to dig through a pile of rubble, I silently slide my cartridge out of my gun and examine what's in it.

Blanks. My gun is filled with blanks. I slide the clip back into place as he gets up and keeps moving, apparently unsatisfied. As I crouch down to dig through a pile of bricks, gunshots suddenly ring through the air. I shoot up, and the leader does the same. He takes off in the direction of the noise and I follow, curious.

Several zombies had broken through the wall, and that girl, Melanie, was trying to fight them all off. I watched as the other four throw themselves into the battle, and as the leader does the same. I stand idyll behind then, unsure of what to do. I check my other clips, and sure enough, blanks.

"Sky! What are you doing! Help us!" The leader shouts at me.

I heft my gun, but then lower it. "What do you want me to do! All I have are blanks!"

Ripping my knife from my belt, I examine it. It's dull. Of course. Nonetheless, I fling it forward and watch it sink into the head of a zombie. More and more zombies approach, and they start to retreat. One of them is out of ammo and is throwing his knife at them. He pulls out his grenade.

"No!" Without thinking, I run forward. We're in an enclosed area. If he tries to throw it, we'll die.

He throws it. A bone rattling explosion goes off, and I'm thrown backward into the wall. Chunks of brick rain down on my head, and everything goes black.


"It's that Sky kid. He's under that pile of bricks. He went flying backwards."


I blearily open my eyes. Light spills through cracks in front of me. I try to move and the cracks shift. Pushing forward, I force several bricks forward.

"He's not dead, see? He's trying to get out."

Hands reach out and dig me out, help me out of the pile. A blurry face appears in front of my nose.

"You all good, Sky?"

I stagger slightly. "Sky?"

They frown. "Yeah. That's your name."

I shake my head. "No. My name is Adam."

The face comes into focus, looking incredibly confused. Then a look of understanding crosses his face. "Ok, Adam. Do you know where we are?"

I observe my surroundings. "Some kind of store."

The other people around me look confused.

"Adam, do you remember how old you are?"

I nod. "21"

"Do you remember where you live?"

I struggle, grasping for a memory. Nothing comes to mind. "No. I....I don't really remember anything."

The face in front of me frowns. "We better get you back, buddy. We got a lot of explaining to do.

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