Chapter 24- Remember?

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Adam's POV

I rub my hands over my eyes. "I'm a......a um.......sorry, what did you say I was?"

Across the table, the man who was originally the blurry face in front of me answers. "You're a cavet. It's our group."

I frown, confused. Why do they need a group? What's going on? Is this some kind of gang?

"And, why do we need to have a group?"

He leans forward and folds his hand on the table. "You really don't remember anything, do you? We're fighting for our lives. This is a zombie apocalypse."

I nod. As weird as that is, it makes sense. "How long have I been here? How long has this all been going?"

He bites his lip, deep in thought. "You've been with us about a year. We picked you up a little after the apocalypse started. You were half dead when we found you."

"What happened to me?"

He looks uncertain. "We.....we don't really know. Our best guess is you were attacked by another group. You never wanted to share the details with us."

I strain, reaching for a memory that isn't there. Let's see.

My name is Adam Dahlburg.

I am 21 years old.

And after that, there's nothing. "And I told you my name was Sky?"

"Yes. Perhaps it was a nickname?"

I shrug. "Maybe. I don't see how I would get that from Adam."

When we had gotten back from that store, we had entered a big building. Up a flight of stairs and down a few halls led us to where we are now. There was a long table in the room, surrounded by chairs. Only us two sat in here, across from each other.

He sighs. "A shame Adam. A shame this all had to happen. You will learn again though. Learn all our names, learn your way around town, and it will be better again. Think you can handle that?"

I nod. If I could do it all once after nearly dying, I could do it again.

He smiles. "Good. My name is Jason. Ring any bells?"

"Jason....... It does sound familiar. Something about a friend?"

He grins and walks around the table to the door. "We were close friends. It seems like we might be able to recover your memory. You want to come meet some more people?"

I nod eagerly and follow him. Along the way, he randomly stops a few people and give me their names. I try to work out a connection.

"This is Jesse. He was in the group with us. Do you remember?"

I shake my head and Jesse slopes away, looking upset. Dang, we must've been good friends or something.

More and more people.

"Adam, this is Melanie. Remember?"

"Not really."

"This is Mason."


"This is Tyler."


Up and down halls, and then finally into the lobby. Apparently this was the big meeting place. There were several couches and a few TVs.

"Adam, Percy. He was also in the group."


A few people seemed to realize what was going on and cane to introduce themselves. "You alright Adam? It's Ryan."

I grin. "Hey Ryan. We were friends, weren't we? I think I remember you. Didn't you always talk about how good looking you were?"

Ryan, who was very handsome, laughed. "Yup, that's me. Glad to see your feeling better."

I met more and more people, but I only remember very few. As the day wore on, I found myself getting upset. I turned to Jason.

"Why can I only remember some people? Everyone's acting like I was friends with everyone. I feel horrible. They all look so sad when I say I don't remember them."

He claps a hand on my shoulder. "You'll remember. It might just take time. Meanwhile, you can just make some new memories. I know this is all hard, so why don't you go get some sleep? Your room is 726."

I nod and start climbing the stairs. Up and up until I get to floor seven. Along the way, I try to trigger any memories I can. My feet navigate me to my room while my mind wanders. Maybe there'll be something in my room.

However, 726 appears to be nearly empty of any personal items. I am also very clean it seems, as everything is very neat. All the clothes are folded in the dresser and the bed is made. Sighing, I get into bed. Why couldn't I have been more sloppy? I might figure something out. Sleep comes slowly, then all at once.

"And today we are playing another EPIC JUMP MAP!"

Ty's character runs across my screen. "BODIL40!" he screams.

Making my character leap around, I join him. "BODIL40!"

*dream shift*

I smile at the young boy in front of me and sign his minecraft sword. "How's it going recruit!"

He nervously stumble out a reply, and I laugh. "Well, go put this butter sword to good work. Kill the squids!"

He screams a war cry and races off.

*dream change*

I get down on one knee, readying myself for what I am about to do. I pull open the box, and the ring sparkles innocently.

"My perfect girlfriend Dawn, will you marry me?

Dawn leaps up from her seat and throws her arms around me. Laughing I spin her around as she sobs into my shoulder. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes!"

*dream change*

"Adam, this just isn't working. All you do is play that stupid video game."

"Stupid!" I protest. "I'm making a living off that game! Without it, I would still be that overweight kid who had to stay at your house!"

A tear trickles down her cheek as she twists off her ring and places it in my hand. She takes my palm and shuts it around it. I stare up at her, in shock.


"I'm sorry Adam."

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