Chapter 25- Around

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Mitch's POV

I blink a few times, trying to figure out why I'm surrounded by an explosion of colors.

Blink. More colors.

Blink. Pointy colors.

Blink. Leaves. Those are leaves.

I bolt up. The trucks hood is crushed against a tree, and a branch had broken through the windshield. The colors were all the multicolored leaves dangling three inches from my face. I sit for a moment, fuming. I got in a crash.

The seat next to me is empty the passenger side door wide open. Forcing down the original shock, I try to crawl out. I make it out about halfway before I realize that my leg is stuck, crushed between the pedals. I grind my teeth and groan in frustration.

Here I am, in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Dangling halfway out of the door. Defeated by a stupid car.

I manage to get my arms down to the ground, but my leg stays resolutely stuck. My torso bumps against the ground and a momentary burst of pain rides through my chest. Right. The stab wound. I dig my fingers into the soft earth and start slowly pulling myself out. Inch by inch, until I am literally hanging there by my foot, which hurts a lot now.

I pull again, but then slam my fists against the ground. The great BajanCanadian, defeated by two freaking pedals crushing his foot. Incredibly heroic. Well, time to admit defeat.

"Olivia?" I call. I hope she didn't stumble off to far. Where would she even go? To find help? Where?

"Olivia! Where are you!"

Oh, fantastic. She's probably in trouble. Sweat dots my face as I dig my fingers far into the earth and try to pull myself forward. I'm rewarded by an excruciating pain in my ankle.

I hit myself in the forehead. I probably just broke my ankle. As if it could get any worse.

"Olivia! Help me!"

Oh, crap crap crap crap CRAP. I need to find her, now. But I can't. So I lie there and call for her every few minutes.

"Olivia! I swear, you better not be freaking playing or any of that crap. I'm in a heck of a lot of pain right now."

Indeed, my ankle has picked up an annoying throb. Every throb sends a wave of pain up my leg. I manage to flip myself onto my back, shifting my ankle slightly. Not as much pain. I don't know how long I lay there, until there's a small voice from somewhere behind my head.

"Mitch? What are you doing?"

I put my hands above my eyes and try to see where she is.

"Hanging out. Where were you?"

She crosses into my line of vision. "Around. Are you stuck ?"

I grimace. "A little bit. I am still curious about the fact of where you were, considering I've been yelling your name for quite a while now."

She drops down to her knees next to my leg and looks inside the truck. "I was around. How the heck are we going to get your foot out of there?"

I try to smile. "Quickly, I hope. My ankle decided to make a funny little cracking noise and is currently reminding me that it is still stuck in there, very painfully."

She stands up and pushes the seat back, examining the area around my foot. She whistles. "I don't even know how that's possible. The pedals are all, like, squeezing around your foot. I'd have to break them off."

Another throb, and I nearly cry out. "Much appreciated if you were to start with the breaking. I don't think we'll be able to drive the truck again anyways."

She nods and reaches her hand in near my foot. She must grab a pedal, because a pulse of pain goes up so suddenly I cry out.

Her hand darts back out. "Oh Mitch! I don't think I can get it out without hurting you!"

I clench my teeth together. "Just. Get. It. Out. I'll be fine." I lean back and close my eyes. A moment later, there is more pain, but then a snap and it lessens. I flash a thumbs up and there's more pain, but then that glorious snap and and fades again. Opening my eyes, I sigh with relief and gently lower my foot to the ground.

"Holy crap, that hurt. Thanks so much."

Olivia nods again. "Is it broken?"

I twist it gingerly. "No, just badly sprained. Do we still have any gauze?"

Working quickly, I splint my ankle and wrap it. When I'm able to stand and support myself without much pain, I round on Olivia. "So where does 'around' happen to be?"

She winces. "Oh, um, down that hill. There's some house. Would you like to go there."

Sighing in exasperation, I begin to hobble down the hill.

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