Chapter 15- Business

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Adam's POV

(Couldn't resist doing his view. Sorry.)

For about the millionth time, I get up and check the window. They should be here soon.

I honestly don't know what to think of these people. They kidnap Jerome, then offer to sell him back. And then the whole "price negotiated at meeting place." What the heck did that mean? They couldn't just say, "we want all you stuff"?

Ty noticed my restlessness. "Dude, calm down. They'll come when they come. Sit down for five minutes."

I turn away from the window, fidgeting. "You're the one who said it might be a trap."

He raises his hands in defense and moves from his position in the doorway over to me. "They might. But come on, go sleep. All you've done since we got here is hang out with Ian or peek out the window."

At my annoyed expression, he sighs. "At least go sit with Ian. Then you won't be pacing or freaking out or spying."

I huff. "Fine." I leave Ty in my position, watching through the window. I head into the back where everyone else is sleeping, and knock on the door of the small office. I get a "come in" and open the door.

Ian lays on the floor, his leg heavily bandaged. I cross to him and sit down. "Hey. "

He looks up from the gun he was cleaning. "Figured it was you. Who kicked you away from the window this time?"

My cheeks grow red. "Ty."

He nods. "I don't know how you're still standing. Have you slept at all since we got here?"

Who has time to sleep?

I'm opening my mouth to reply when Ty sticks his head through the door. "They're here. Whole group with Jerome in the middle."

I look to Ian, who was struggling to get up. I pick up the now clean gun and allow him to slide his arm over my shoulders. We head out where I see the rest of the guys, now awake, grabbing their weapons and packs. Ian leans against the wall as I slide on my gear. Then we take a look out front.

Sure enough, a large group of people all dressed identically are milling about in the parking lot. I nod to Ty, and he opens the door. I lead the way outside, reminding myself to look confident. Hard to do with Ian leaning on your shoulder.

They all turn to look at us, and we spread out in front of them. They all get up and do the same. Jerome stands next to the one in the middle, and I'm filled with malice. He looks like he's terrified. His eyes dart from us back to the way we come, as if willing us to leave.

"I see you found Jerome. Can we have him back now?" These people make me mad. They don't need money, from the looks of it. All their matching outfits and weapons.

The man next to Jerome grins. "Sure, you can have him. For a small price."

I snort. Small price. We can afford it. "What do you want? Guns, money, big house? Buddy, we've got it." He doesn't need to know we can't reach the house. And that most of our money is in different banks spread across America and Canada. But we do have guns. He steps forward, smile remaining on his face.

"You seem like a powerful group. Would we have heard of you?" He says it so lightly, you'd have thought we were discussing dinner. Is he trying to trick me? Buddy, you're talking to someone who talks for a living. I won't be knocked off target that easily. Lets see how good you are.

I slide out my sword and examine it, even though there are only a few smudges. I rub at them. "Probably. But we're known by a few different names, so its hard to tell. I continue rubbing my sword. I guess we go by different names. For a moment there's silence, and I mentally high-five myself.

"Well, if you're so strong and mighty, why don't we have a little duel here for Jerome? You can pick the weapons. Me, against your leader." I look up. This would be good if I beat him. I could get Jerome back, and he wouldn't need to know we lied.

I nod slightly. "Alright. I chose swords. What're we fighting to, death?"

He doesn't answer, simply taking a sword from one of his group. I step forward, and he does to. I examine him for a moment. Not exactly tall, but muscular and probably fast. My height is my only advantage here, and it's only by a few inches.

I ready my sword, but my eyes drift to Jerome. His eyes are popping, and he's visibly shaking. It's not right, he shouldn't be this scared. Unless....

No. My eyes widen and I drop my guard. It's a trap. Something's going to happen. I open my mouth to say something, to confront them, but it never comes.

There's a bang and a flash of blinding light directly in front of me. Smoke billows everywhere. Jerome! I have to get Jerome. I stumble forward, and trip. I drag myself up and reach out. I make out his form and throw myself at it, shoving him forward while I go farther into where they were standing. A hand reaches out towards my face and I slap it away, furious. However, a body comes next and tackles me to the ground. We rolls for a moment before they slam me to the ground. Dazed, I vaguely feel them yanking me to my knees. A cold barrel is pressed to my head, and blood drips into my eyes. The smoke drifts away, and a feeling of panic spreads over me.

The guys all stand across from me, looking terrified. Ian now leans on Quentin, and Ryan stands behind Jerome. A hand tightens its grip on my collar, and I hear him speak from somewhere above me.

"Good doing business with you."

I struggle to breath in a the world spins around me. They're in danger. They might shoot them. They have to leave before these people realize the advantage they'd have over us. My eyes settle on Jerome. He stares back at me, shocked.


I say it to him before I even realize I'm speaking. The effect is instantaneous. There's a crack and my head splits open in pain. I slump forward. The last thing I hear before the ringing takes over is the pounding of footsteps down the pavement.

My head is yanked up, and I stare blearily at a girl in front of me. She appears to be shouting things, but the ringing is to loud. Someone's tying my hands behind my back, and I struggle briefly. My head pounds, and the lot slides in and out of focus. Crap, Adam. Think.

I'm yanked to my feet and I sway, nearly falling. Then both my arms are yanked forward and I stumble after them, just barely aware of the celebrating people around me.

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