Packing for tour

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{Josh} (First person Pov sorry for the third person Pov)
I woke with Sun shining in my eyes, wait where am I oh wait I am at (Y/ N)'s I groan as I roll out of bed. Rubbing sleep out of my eyes I pad my way downstairs. "Morning Dunshine." (Y/N) says putting chocolate chip pancakes on a plate. "Morning babe, you ready for tour?" I ask as I sit down by the bar "Yeah we can start packing as soon as we eat." (Y/ N) said as she placed a breakfast plate in front of me and kissed my cheek. "How did you sleep?" I ask her "Good, I got a lot done this morning." She replied. "Like what and what time did you wake up." I ask stuffing my face with pancakes. "Well I told my work that I would only work part time now and my parents are coming up state to take care of (D/N) and somewhere around five." She said casually like she wakes up at five every day. "Jesus you didn't get me up." She blushed. "You looked really cute and peaceful." She smiled, then 'heavydirtysoul' started blaring from her phone." It's Tyler." She said picking up the phone.

Conversation on speaker
Tyler: (Y/ N), Josh hey glad y'all are awake you have two hours till the tour bus is there to pick you up.
(Y/N): Okay Tyler well we will see you soon we're going to pack.
Josh: *Shouts* "BYEE TYLERRRR!"
Tyler: Bye bye Jish!
You: *chucking* bye Tyler.
Call ended

"Let's go jooossh!" (Y/ N) said dragging out my name, she bounds up the stairs me in close pursuit. She pulled two suitcases out of her closet along with two dresses, a bathing suit, which I personally liked it was dark blue. Along with shirts and jeans. "Can you please fold these and put them in one suitcase?" She asked while running to get other things. I did as she asked laughing at the fact that she was so frantic.

{(Y/ N)}
I ran into my bathroom grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste along with 'other' hygienic things. I placed them neatly into a suitcase and went to grab shampoo and conditioner and one Harry Potter book. (Shout out to my Potter fans comment your house) once those were tossed in I grabbed about 200 dollars and my speaker and ear buds then I was good to go. I closed the suitcase and exhaled, "Josh you good in there?" I shouted. "Yep!" He shouted back. I walked out beside him and whispered in his ear. "Good, cause then I can do this." I kissed him passionately wrapping my arms around his neck as he placed his hands on my hips and kissed back with just as much ferocity, I pushed him up against the wall and kiss down his jawline, grinding my hips into his earning a groan from him. I put a finger on his lips, "Hmm Not now, wait." I smirked and Josh glared at me then in a voice slightly cracked he said. "You k-know you can't do that to a guy." You smiled a slightly evil smile and said "I just did." Josh shook his head, "You are so naughty (Y/ N)." I just chuckled. "Yes but you love it." Josh pulled you into a sweet kiss, "Yea I really do."

You two had put your suitcases by the door and decided to play Mario kart on your N64 (because old school gaming is fuc**** amazing) "Ha I won this race!" Josh said proudly. "Josh you lost the last two races which overall means I won." You stated matter-of-factly, Josh just kinda frowned but you hugged him. "Don't worry one day you'll beat the queen of gaming." You both laughed as a someone knocked on your door, (D/N) jumping and barking at the door. You rolled your eyes and stood up to get the door, when you opened it Tyler was there. "Residence of Skeletonwithapen." Tyler asked in a British accent. "Why yes sir it is, pleasure to meet you." You said reaching to shake his hand but, he pulled you into a hug. Josh came up behind you and grabbed your suitcases. "You guys ready?" Josh said smiling as wide as ever. "Yeah totally let's go, oh and Josh she's a keeper." Tyler said walking to the tour bus where Jenna stood holding the door. "Yeah I know Tyler, I am not letting her go." Josh stated proudly. Tyler intervened with, "But Brendon say if you love someone to let them go." You and Josh laughed and Jenna from the door said. "Well Josh isn't Brendon and it is so nice to meet you (Y/N), Josh has said so many good things about you." "Likewise Jenna." You hugged her.

"Let's roll guys!" Josh said picking you up and tickling you.
"Jish Staph, I can't breathe." You said gasping as the engine started and the bus started moving

Stay hopeful friends

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