Wanna Talk?

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Just to clarify you went to a Tøp concert and Josh literally ran into you backstage he frantically tried to apologize and all you did was ask for his kik. Little did you know he looked forward to messaging you.

Key: italics is you. Bold is Josh

Skeletonwithapen is online
Dunshine is online

Dunshine: Hi it's Josh wanna talk?
Skeletonwithapen: Hi Josh it's (Y/N) sure I would love to.
Dunshine: Okay cool and I'm sorry for spilling Pepsi on you.
Skeletonwithapen: Josh you have apologized for like the ten millionth time already it's fine :)
Dunshine: I know I just felt really bad.
Skeletonwithapen: At least you care that's what matters.
Dunshine: ???
Skeletonwithapen: I'm saying some ppl might run into a person and not apologize ever.
Dunshine: Oh. Ok, well off the subject of Pepsi wyd?
Skeletonwithapen: Listening to Panic!... You?
Dunshine: Sitting on the tour bus listening to Blink 182 what song r u listening to
Skeletonwithapen: well Sarah Smiles is ending and looks like Nicotine is next.
Dunshine: no homo His forehead is hot.
Skeletonwithapen: Agreed Dun, very much agreed
Dunshine: Tyler wants me to watch a movie with him but I wanna talk with u
Skeletonwithapen:  Aww That's sweet Josh but go watch your movie with tyjo.
Dunshine: Wait I can just text you under the blanket
Skeletonwithapen: Ooohh you and Tyler sharing a blanket *cough Joshler confirmed cough* Okay if you say so.

Dunshine: lol whatever Joshler is not real
Skeletonwithapen: You say that now
Dunshine: We aren't even twenty minutes into the movie and Tyler is asleep I guess he needs his rest for the show tomorrow

Skeletonwithapen: You do too Josh go to bed we will talk tomorrow
Dunshine: I suppose you are right good night (Y/N)
Skeletonwithapen: Goodnight Joshie

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Skeletonwithapen is offline

So that was the first chapter I just needed a fresh story so I could keep my others alive and this gives me inspiration.
(I don't want to steal Tyler's thing so...)
-Stay Hopeful friends

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