The End. (Grab tissues)

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most likely last chapter.

At this point in time (Y/N) (you) are 9 months along.

"Babe when was the last time we had an actual date night?" Josh asked me browsing through Netflix.

"Dunno J, anything in mind?" I said sitting next to him on the couch, I was due in 4 days.

"I'm thinking about taking you a diner and a park, nothing too big." Josh smiled pecking my cheek, he was happy to be a father-to-be.

"That'd be nice, whenever you want to go just let me know." I said relaxing a bit more into his arms.

"Then let's go." He said lacing up his vans while I slid on flip flops. I grabbed my camcorder, recently we'd been making more home videos than normal. I walked out hand in hand with my husband as we began a trek to a local diner known as Luna's.

I videotaped the walk there, I wanted the kids to have these to watch so they feel like they knew us before they were created.

"Hey my beautiful humans, momma and daddy are going on our last date as a kid less couple." I said turning the camera to face Josh and I, he laughed hiding his face with his hoodie.

"Hey kiddos, yeah to my son in more direct context, find you a wonderful person who you love and treat them like I treat your mom."

"Sweetie they have names." I chided slightly realizing we hadn't truly addressed them yet.

"Right. Robert Micheal Dun and Ava Elizabeth Dun. Well were about to eat, we love you guys no matter what." Jish and I said the last part together as we walked into Luna's.

We had made adjustments to the nursery changing our little girls name to Ava and adding a more boyish side to the nursery.

Our normal waiter greeted us with a smile and two chocolate milkshakes. We ordered our usual, which for me would be (F/F) and for Josh a bacon cheese burger.

The babies had been kicking a lot more than they used to which worried me, and I had a certain anxiety that kept me up at night with this pregnancy. I didn't  want to tell Josh out of fear of the unknown. Before we even left I felt my water break.

Holy shit

"Josh not to alarm you or anything but my water just broke, like actually broke." I said before I started to shake out of happiness and fear.

"Oh my God uh um, hold on I'll go get the car, don't move." Josh said sprinting off a short distance to our house as my contractions started.

Not a problem.  I thought seeing as the pain of contractions was excruciating, minutes later Josh was back with a car. I didn't waste time getting in.

Josh floored it turning on the emergency flashers trying to avoid all possibly traffic.

It took us 43 minutes to get to the ER, forty-three minutes of me yelling in pain.

When I got to the hospital the nurses induced me into a c-section, seeing as the babies didn't want to come out the other way.

"Mrs. Dun how are...." I couldn't hear after that well at least not clearly, my head was hurting. I cried out in pain as a shock was sent through my body, my vision blurred.

"Code yellow, we need Dr. Moore to delivery. I repeat code yellow Dr. Moore to delivery." I clearly heard the PA system, I then heard one of my babies cry.

"J-josh." I managed my voice hoarse from screaming, I didn't know what was going on the lights above blurred once more.

Something was wrong.

"Baby don't close your eyes stay here please, don't close your eyes. I love you so so so much, Robert looks so much like you."

Robert. What about Ava?

"J where's Ava, where's my little girl?" I asked tears forming in my eyes, Josh shook his head slowly tears formed in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly as tears fell down my face, monitors around me started beeping and going crazy. Next thing was Josh being pulled out of the room and doctors swarming me.

My vision blurred as nurses yelled code and frantically tried to stop whatever was happening. I felt light headed as my vision blurred and I lost hearing.

My body was exhausted and I felt weak, I was going into cardiac shock. I cried, with everyone around me I felt alone, Josh on the other side of the doors and I could tell he was crying.

My vision and hearing came back suddenly, my body was still weak.

"Mr. Dun we've stabilized her for now but we suggest you say your goodbyes, she's not going to make it." A nurse informed Josh as he walked in with my son and a camcorder.

I reached out to hold Robert, gently he was placed in my arms. I smiled with tears in my eyes as I looked at what Josh and I had created.

"My baby boy, my beautiful boy... I love you so so much, please never forget that, keep your dad strong. He needs you. I'm sorry my baby."

I looked at Josh from behind the camera who was quietly sobbing as he shook his head.

"Joshua come here." I said and he listened, I placed Robert in his arms and my baby boy cried, just like his father.

"My beautiful boys... Stay strong.. I love you and I'm sorry I have to go now." I said using the last bit of my strength to kiss Josh.

And then the best thing happened..


I didn't feel anything anymore, nothing, not even pain or sadness . I was gone, I had left the Earth.

Everything was okay.

16 years later in Josh's point of view.

It had been sixteen years.

Sixteen years without her, they got easier, however not a day went by where I didn't think of or love her.

My daughter Ava was pronounced as a still birth and my wife was pronounced dead.

My son Robert and I carried on with life and I kept my promise to stay strong for my son and myself.

"Dad. I uh I want you to meet someone." My son said as he placed a slice of birthday cake in front of me.

I smiled agreeing to meet one of Robert's friends, getting up and walking to the kitchen.  A tall boy about the same age as my son stood fidgeting with his hands.

"D-dad  thi-s-s, this is-"

"Your boyfriend Ethan? I know." I cut off my son smiling he looked flabbergasted.

"Ethan give him the gift." Ethan pulled out a silver ring with the infinity symbol carved in it.

"Th-those are m-m-mom's." Robert choked out smiling like and idiot. Ethan began to speak.

" Robert Micheal Dun, I promise to love you and live for you for an eternity. I swear to you I'll listen to you for whatever you need, I'll be your shoulder to cry on, I'll support your choices. I love you Robert and I promise to you we'll get married one day." 

Ethan exhaled and inhaled a breath as my son vigorously nodded yes and let the ring slide on his finger. I looked up and I swear I could feel (Y/N) and Ava smiling down on us.

We are happy, rest easy.


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