Four A.M. and unexpected calls

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Joshua Pov

It was now four in the morning the day (N/N) and I fly out to Greece. "Flight 730 now boarding First Class." I get up and grab our carry ons and shake (Y/N)'s shoulder. "Baby get up we have to board." I heard mumbling which sounded like something along the lines of 'Mother I don't like school, go away!' and then she got up and walked behind me to customs.

"Ready for Greece honey?" (Y/N) asked as she walked though the metal detector grabbing her phone and keys off of the X-ray table thingy.  "Hmm uh yeah actually I'm really excited, I've always wanted to go to Greece." She nods grabbing my hand and pulling me to a empty row claiming the window seat. I yawned we were both miserably tired from waking up at 2:30 this morning to get here on time, I was pulled from my thoughts when (Y/N) spoke. "Joshie I know you can't sleep on planes, here." With that she raises the arm rest and pats her lap motioning for me to lay down, I comply craving sleep or a French press coffee. "You're so good to me, I love you." I say closing my eyes letting sleep consume me but, not before I see (Y/N) put in her ear buds and mouth I love you baby to me.


I leaned in slowly, cradling the back of  her neck and cupping her cheek. Our lips colided and I groaned missing the sweet taste of her lips. She pulled away, "Joshie wake up baby, wake up were here." I shook my head, "I wanna stay here sweetie."

"No Joshua wake up we are landing." My eyes flew open and I groaned at the sudden shock of light. "Morning sleepy head." (Y/N) says kissing my forehead. "I was having the best dream and you just had to wake me." I grumbled crossing my arms. "Was it something like this?" (Y/N) leans in and connects our lips, I kissed back cupping her cheek. I feel her smile into the kiss and we both pull away for breath,  pressing our foreheads together. "Yeah it was." I say exhaling, we both grab our carry on and walk off the plane to baggage claim.  "Look there's our stuff,  let's go."

~Time Skip ~

Now sitting at the hotel on what feels like the most comfy bed on earth we were planning on where we would go. "Josh how does the Athena Parthenon sound?" I shrugged not knowing what it was but then agreed. "I want to go eat." I say hoping we could eat soon. "Well where do you want to eat?" I thought about it for a second then remembered a place we passed that looked really good. "What about Olympia Grill?" I ask listening to my stomach growl.  "Sounds great and I think we can visit a few local shops." (Y/N) said grabbing her neck purse thingy and the key cards for the room. 

"Food!" I shouted running out the door,  I could faintly hear (Y/N) chuckle. I ran all the way into the elevator, no like I ran into the elevator, hitting my head in the process. "Josh Oh my God!" I hear my wife shout she runs up to my side.  "Baby are you okay?" I groaned in response rubbing my head, slightly wincing at the pain. "Ow that hurt." I finally managed an actual reply Go Josh!
(Y/N) laughed a little, "Honey this is why we don't run in hotels." She stood on her tiptoes kissing my temple, I smile and actually walk myself into the elevator this time.

(Your Pov)

Josh and I eventually ate and we managed to grab a cab to the Athena Parthenon. "That is so many steps." I say turning on my fit bit making sure it counts these valuable steps. "Last one to the top has to eat hot sauce." Josh exclaims then bolts up the stairs,  "Joshua you little cheater!" I yell and start chasing him up the stairs, three minutes later we are at the top and out of breath, I gape at the beauty of the statue.

"I'm about to kill my camera roll." I say pulling out my phone and opening my camera and snapping close to 70 photos.  "Jishwa, pose baby!" Josh does a lot of weird, funny and,  cute poses and we take a few photos together for Instagram. We stay around the Athena Parthenon and read on its history. It was supposedly a great symbol of power and victory.

As we were leaving I felt my phone buzz

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As we were leaving I felt my phone buzz.

Incoming call: Elizabeth

Hey sis

I was glad to hear from my sister even if I was sorta busy at the moment.

(Y-Y/N) where are y-you?

Liz sounded like she was on the verge of tears, where as she usually sounded confident.

In Greece why?

I was now wondering what had my sister so upset

Oh God I feel horrible for doing this now, is Josh with you

Seriously what's so bad that she feels bad for telling me?

Um yeah why?  What's wrong

It's mom she's, she's....

Is she sick?

Elizabeth goodness what's wrong hun

Moms dead.

The line goes dead from me dropping the phone.  A quiet sob is drawn from my throat  and Josh is by my side in seconds. "Baby what's wrong what happened?" Josh cradles me rocking me slowly. "It's my mom.... She's gone." I don't know why this emotion hit me so suddenly but the news of my mother's death really hurt. "That's why my sister called she said my mother was dead." I wept softly not knowing what else to do I didn't care if we were in public. "Baby that's terrible, I'm so sorry sweetie." Josh holds me to his chest comforting me.

"Can we go back to the hotel?" I ask not wanting to deal with anything right now. "Yeah we can,  let's go baby."  Josh picked me up bridal style and called a cab forty minutes later we were at the hotel and the realization stuck hard. My mom is dead. I sobbed when we made it up to our room and even when Josh tried to comfort me his efforts were futile, I felt so empty, so....


Kill me.  Writing  this chapter hurt and I am so so so sorry this took so long I just got Wi-Fi again I will work on the next chapter tomorrow but until then I have homework. Damn you history!

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