Sweet Serenity

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(Forcing myself to write because I lack motivation)

Josh's point of view  (Doing a lot of time skips (Y/N) is now 6 months along)

I walked in from band practice, covered in a thin layer of sweat. I saw (Y/N) sitting on the couch editing photos from the most recent shoot.

"Hey babe, how was practice?" She asked never once looking up from the screen, her tongue poked out in concentration.

"It was nice besides the fact that Tyler said I needed to learn the words to our own songs." 

(Y/N) chuckled slightly hitting the save button on her laptop, shutting it and pushing it back onto the coffee table. I kissed her stomach and sat next to her.

"I found out the gender of the baby today. Would you like to know?" I smiled quickly nodding.

"Go upstairs and look on the nursery door." (Y/N) instructed and I saw her grab a camcorder, standing up I walked upstairs and took the second door on the left. I stared at the door for any sign of anything. Dumbfounded I turned around and my beautiful wife started giggling.

"Look again Joshie." She said and I reluctantly turned around looking at the door knob I saw a small pink ribbon tied around it.

I realized what it meant, my lips turned upward in a smile as I opened the door.

We were having a girl

"A girl, that's amazing, I'm gonna be a dad and I'm going to protect the two most beautiful people on the planet."

I ran up to (Y/N) hugging her and kissing her stomach. (Y/n) had lifted my face up when she spoke.

  "Look at the picture frame above the crib." She whispered and I quickly walked over to it reading the light blue letters.

Our beautiful Emily Laura Dun.

Her name was Emily, I felt something wet on my cheek and quickly realized I was crying, I think they were tears of joy.

Walking over to my wife I knelt down kissing her stomach.

"Hey little Emily, I just want to let you know that when you're born you're going to be loved by so many people, like your mommy and I, and I promise I will promise I will protect you from every single boy out there and that you can tell me anything, I'll try my best to understand. I love you little Emily."

I stood up to (Y/N)'s height and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too." I spoke softly, words too loud could ruin this beautiful serenity.

A phone could be heard ringing from downstairs, rolling her eyes at the disturbance. She left my arms and padded down the stair case, barely answering her phone on time.

"Hello, this is (Y/N) from Lifetime Images Photography, how may I help you?" She went into business mode and grabbed a pen and paper writing down details about her next client.

"Yes ma'am would the 23rd work for you?"

I saw the pen move briskly against the paper as she scribbled down a date.

"Alright thank you, see you on the 23rd Ms. Williams."

With that she hung up and placed her phone on the couch. I sat next to her clicking the television onto the news, per usual it was broadcasting the Christmas sales and overrated poitics.

"Babe what was that? Are you okay?"

"Yeah these clients become really pushy and demanding around Christmas, this woman wants package three, which takes three hours if everything goes smoothly."

Resting her head on the back of the couch she looked at me and smiled. Naturally I smiled back.

"Want to go get food and sit at the park?" (Y/N) asked and I nodded grabbing my wallet and house keys. We left the house with (D/N) following behind us on a leash.

"So beautiful, I wrote a song for you and yes, I wrote the song not Tyler." I said and I watched as my wife's eyes lit up in anticipation.

"Well let's hear it, I love it when you sing."

I made this up as I typed

Baby I'll be your superman

I'll catch you when you fall

But you're my kryptonite

Truth is

Around you

I'm not strong at all

I will be superman

If you promise me

one thing

I'll be your superman


You'll love me till the end of it all

The end of it all

The end of it all

Oh the end of it all

Baby I'll be your superman

I'll catch you when you fall

But you're my kryptonite

Truth is

I'm strong at all

No I'm not... Strong at all

I'll be your superman

If you

Love me till the end of it all

Oh the end of it all.

I finished the song and heard claps from (Y/N), grabbing her hand we continued walking a small trail.

"Josh that was amazing."  She said calmly resting her head on my shoulder. Wrapping my arm around her waist we walked up to an ice cream stand.

"Good evening what can I get for you?"

"Two double scoop mint chocolate chip please sir."  I said and the man quickly scooping the sweet delicacy into two paper cups.

"That'll be 4.64, cash or card?" I nodded handing the man a five and taking both (Y/N)'s ice cream.

"Babe I never got to ask you how practice was?" She said eating a small bit of the treat.

"It was good, Tyler and I are working on a new album, I think he's going to call it blurryface."  Smiling we both sat down on a bench watching the sunset and enjoying each other's company.

All too soon the sun had set and we were on our way home, both of us probably in dire need of a shower. Turning on out street we walked to our house and unlocked the door.

"Go get in the shower Josh, you stink." My wife said making me laugh, pecking her cheek I ran upstairs turning the hot water on and washing away whatever stress lingered.

A/N: Guys I need  requests and ideas please I have an ending in mind but I don't want to end the book yet. Please comment ideas. Also I'm forcing this update I know this chapter was sparatic and weird but once again I lack motivation.

Stay hopeful friends 😊❤
Rhea signing off

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