Where drywall meets bone

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Blurryface is in italics your thoughts are in bold. Also trigger warning suicidal mentions suicidal thoughts bad things so uh yeah.

You honestly think that you could keep me away. How amusing but, guess what doll it don't work that way I own you.
Nobody ever calls me doll I don't fucking care who or what the fuck you are but call me doll again and show your face you coward and I will slit your balls.
You don't have the power to your weak. Doll
Try me bitch.

Blurry showed me a bunch of grueling images, those I could handle but then he showed me pictures of Josh, dead. His blood on my hands images of my everything saying he doesn't love me and him abusing me. That I couldn't handle he needed to stop.

Stop. I know these are fake you are just trying to scare me it won't work, Josh would never hurt me.
Really, you think he wouldn't..
Blurry went silent and Josh called my name. "Yeah babe?" I ask Josh. "We, we need to talk. Now." I raised  an eyebrow. "Okay babe I'm all ears." I say leaning forward smiling at Josh, he doesn't return the smile. "You do love me, and like only me right?" A puzzled expression came across my face. "Yes Joshie, without a doubt why...?" I ask still confused by Joshs behaviour. "Please don't lie to me." He says pleading, "Baby do I need to prove it to you?" I ask boldly and place a passionate kiss on his lip. He shoves me back and my head hits a wall. "Joshua what the fuck?" I say rubbing my head where drywall met bones. "Stop lying to me if you actually loved me you wouldn't hug up on Tyler and flash him crazy eyes, you do know he's married right!" Josh shouts at me and slaps me in the face.

I was taken aback it scared me and I shoved him and ran to the back of the bus and slump against the door and cry. "(Y/ N) what's wrong?" Tyler's voice cuts through my cries. "J-Josh, he slapped me, w-w-why would he slap me?" Tyler's face goes from sympathetic to full of rage in two seconds, he is looking out the small window staring at Josh. Tyler gasps. "That's not Josh." I looked at him with a look that said are you actually blind? "Look for yourself." Tyler said shaking a little I looked and saw Josh plain as day on his bed. "Joseph that is Josh." I say bitterness in my tone. "Look closer." Tyler squeaks out. I do as he says my hands go to my lips and I almost sob. "Its Blurryface oh my god he wasn't kidding." Tyler looked up. "You've heard him?" I nod and then he asks. "Why did you touch your lips?" I took a shaky breath "I kissed Blurryface after he said he owns me." Tyler stands up and wraps his arms around me in a friendly embrace. "You have to tell Josh." He says quietly. "Tyler I don't want him to worry about me." He sighed. "Josh can help you I promise." I nod and rub my face then walk out the door, Blurry is back.

You are stronger than I thought it's okay I like a good challenge.
I didn't say anything I just kept walking. "Josh?" He looks at me. "What's up babe?" I motioned for him to sit down. "Josh I really need to tell you something, okay and please don't be mad." Josh pulled me closer, "You can tell me anything." I hug him he is so sweet and he doesn't even know what I am about to say. "Josh Blurryface is talking to me." I buried my face in his chest. "Hey, it's going to be okay I'm here he can't hurt you if you stay strong." I smile his words mean so much." I pull him in for a kiss he kisses me back deepening it. "Blurryface can't get you if I have you." Josh growls as he pulls me onto his lap, and bites my lip. I tug at his red locks softly earning a quiet moan from him. I let him explore my mouth, my hand travels down his torso and grazed his inner thigh feeling heat from in between his legs. "Mmm Joshie." I moan into the kiss he groans as I palm him through his shorts. "I love you." I say pulling back from this kiss. "I love you more." He says breathing heavily. "Not possible." I say kissing his forehead and lifting myself off of his lap. "Blurry doesn't stand a chance." He smiles, "We've already won."
You people are gross I had to watch all of that, don't forget I own you.
Stfu you don't own shit! You won't break me I have Josh you are the one who has no one. Now leave!
You are so naive little (Y/N)
Whatever you don't phase me. I am stronger.
You win for now. But watch your back the war isn't over
Yes. It. Is

~time skip everyone is asleep now.~

I had finally managed to close my eyes.

In dream:
I dream of Josh (not like that) we were walking out of a classy restaurant he pinned me up against a wall, when I looked at his face it wasn't him it was Blurryface. "Get off of me!" I screamed I looked around and the scenery had changed we were now in the hotel where Josh and I.... Oh God "Please get off of me, I don't wanna do this, please." I cried Blurry had managed to tear off my clothes and he was staring at me with power, control and lust. "But I want to." He said slamming into me making me cry in pain. He made dark scratch marks on my arms.
I woke up in a cold sweat and my heart rate out of control I muffled my scream and silently cried. I felt a burning sensation on my arms, when I looked there was dark black scratch marks.

It's not over. Doll

(A/N): I really like the title name idk why.
I had a small case of writers block I'm really sorry this chapter sucked. Yes  I do realize how quickly the small make out thing between you and  Josh escalated. Sorry.


He's 31 I think

Stay hopeful friends

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