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Josh *You guys will love me this chapter*

"Babe I have extra pillows and one extra sheet can we add it anywhere?" I shout from the stairwell. "Yeah we have like two spots left for pillows I can manage to put the sheet somewhere." (Y/N) said setting everything in place. We had the fort entrance facing the TV with the Nintendo 64 controllers sitting inside with a buttload of snacks and Red Bull. "Mario Kart! Loser gets cuddles." I exclaim knowing I would win and get to cuddle with my sweetheart. "Josh no offense but, what kind of punishment is that?" (Y/N) asks setting up the karts cc for the race.

"One where everybody wins," I retort playfully. "I'm still going to win so I get to hold you in my arms." She quirks a brow at me and sassily says. "Cute babe but, in your dreams." I roll my eyes and crawl next to her in the fort. I grab my controller and for the next twenty minutes we played very competitive games of Mario Kart. "Babe I so totally kicked your ass!" (N/N) shouts and I fake saddeness. "B-but now I can't c-cuddle you." I sniffled for extra effect, either (Y/N) was playing along or my fake tears worked.  "Joshie c'mere it's okay." She says opening her arms and I crawled next to her.

Time skip

"Babe did I ever tell you how much I enjoyed taking photos?" (Y/N) asked still holding me in her arms. "No but I assume that's why there was photos all across your wall when I came over to your house." I said and she merely nodded. "I uh used to do it part time perfessionaly for this band but they broke up." (Y/N) sighed a small, sad sigh after saying whatever band she worked for broke up. "What band?" I ask genuinely curious, "Huh oh um My Chemical Romance." I almost spit out my gummy bear, almost. "Babe seriously wow that's.. Wow!" She rolled around so I was now holding her and she let out a small yawn. "So much for all nighters, goodnight princess." My princess curled further into my chest, "Night Jishwa."

With that I picked (Y/N) up and carried her to my bed, placing her down gently and kissing her softly on her temple. Removing my shirt and shorts I crawled into bed next to her and pulled her to my chest.


(Y/N)'s) Pov

I woke up and somehow managed to free myself from his grip around my waist. My phone was blinking with a notification so needless to say I checked it.

One new email from Gerard Way.

Speak of the damn devil he emailed me. I unlocked my phone and read the email.
Hey (Y/N) so the boys and I got back together and we are doing a reunion tour. I was doing research and I was surprised to see you were dating Josh Dun and singing in the band, good work. I was still wondering if you would like to take up the opportunity of being a photographer for My Chem.

Yours Truly
-Gerard way (Mikey says hi)

(Plot Twist MoFos)

I chuckled quietly Gee always knew how to end an email I decided to crawl outside of the fort Josh and I fell asleep in and make coffee. I should definitely tell Josh this when he wakes up. I sat on the edge of the counter waiting for the coffee to finish brewing when a very happy boy walks in. "Morning Dunshine." I say hugging him and pecking his cheek. "Morning baby." He replies in a low raspy morning voice, I love that voice.

I made Josh a cup of coffee and then one for myself, sitting down on his couch sipping coffee peacefully. "Babe you won't believe who emailed me this morning." I said excited to tell Josh who. "Ummmm Rice Gum?" He said trying to feign seriousness, I choked on my coffee. "Eww babe no just no." I say gagging. "Gerard Way as in the Gerard Way." I say calmly. It was his turn to choke on coffee. "What that's insane we were just talking about him last night." "I know." I said nodding. "How did you and Gerard meet?" Josh asked, an expression I couldn't read crossing his features. "Mikey his little brother and I were friends I'm high school, before I moved to Ohio I lived in Belleville New Jersey." I say reminiscing a bit on highschool then I stopped highschool wasn't always fun.  "Actually my sister had a one night stand with Gee." I say laughing. "Were Mikey and you just friends?" Josh questions me but he has every right to suspicion. "Yes Josh Mikey and I were just friends." I say grabbing his hands and kissing his lips sweetly.

"M'kay well I guess we better get back to the tour bus because we have a show tonight at like seven." He gets up and heads in the direction of the restroom and walks in the door. Moments later I could hear water running I lay back on the and email Gee back.

Hey Gee haven't heard from you in a while. I would love to be a photographer for the band again! Do you want me to be there the entire tour or just for the first show because I can probably make it work. Also Hi Mikester I miss ya bro.

-With sass of a god
(Y/N) (L/N)

P. S.
Tell Frank, Ray and Bob I said hi too.

  With that I pressed send and got up to place the coffee mugs in the sink and began to wash them. I hum 'Extraordinary Girl' by Green Day when a familiar pair of arms snaked around my waist. "What you doing princess?" Josh whispers in my ear almost sending chills down my spine. "I dunno honestly?" I say innocently, "You wanna do something?" he continues to whisper seductively. "What are you implying Mr. Dun?" I ask a devilish idea growing in my head. "Oh ya know just some fun." I turned around and notice he's just wearing a towel, I kiss him on the lips with passion. Quickly moving from his lips to his neck, I slide my hand under the towel and hear Josh groan as I slide my hand further up his thigh running my finger over his tip. "Sorry babe we don't have time." I say swiftly retracting my hand and he whimpers.

"Baby you seriously can't do that, now now I'm all.... " Josh trailed off.  "Hard?" I ask smirking, "Better go fix that babe we leave in 20 minutes." he growls a bit "But baby-" "No buts!" I say cutting him off as he turns and walks back into the restroom mumbling, Fucking tease...

I called Tyler and asked if he could pick us up at Josh's house.

"Hey yo Tyjo!"
"Wassup (N/n)?"
"I was just wondering if you could pick Josh and I up at his place?"
"Sure no problem."
"Oh and Tyler My Chemical Romance is opening for us tonight."

I heard coughing g on the other line and them Tyler responded

"What how is that even possible, I though they broke up? "

"All will be revealed young one."

" I'm older than you."

"Shut up."

Tyler chuckled and hung up without even saying bye, how R0od.

"Josh hurry up baby Tyler is picking us up in ten minutes." I shout knowing very well he isn't finished.  "Uhh... Babe it would've been so much easier if you were in here." I chuckled hearing him groan a bit after saying that, maybe I would be generous. I walked inside the restroom and Josh immediately stopped doing anything well besides breathing, he is still breathing very much. "Okay,  I'm going to sit on your lap and give you a few strokes you finish the rest." I say in a boss-like tone. I sit on Josh's lap and look down I see pre-cum leaked out everywhere. "You really do need help don't you?" I ask sympathizing with him a bit. "Yeah I fucking do." he squirmed a bit when I place my hand on his inner thigh. "Since we don't really have time I'm just gonna give you a quick hand job okay baby." I heard Josh groan in response. "M'kay princess." I got to work knowing we didn't have time but, I still loved hearing Josh moan.

About six minutes later Josh stepped out of the restroom and a knock sounded at the door,  I opened it to be greeted by a happy looking bean aka Tyler Joseph. "You two ready?" I grabbed Josh's left hand and pecked his cheek.  "Yep."

With that we walked down the street a little and to the tour bus, heading straight for the venue.

Surprise mother fluffers I bet you didn't expect that no you sure as hell didn't but I bet your happy about it leave comments if you want to,  don't be a ghost I love reading comments.

Stay Hopeful friends. 💖😃

Pepsi (A Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now